Florida appointment


New member
florida appt

Thanks Everett did you see me wave at you as you passed through Ocala lol have a safe trip home and I hope you get all that you want from this process thanks for being nice to DR F so he takes it easy on me lol


Pioneer Founding member
Everett - Did you have anything done pre-treatment? What kind of stem cells are you getting? Where is the blood processed? Would really like to have some details. Behave yourself.


Pioneer Founding member
Everett - What I wanted to know was not the type of procedure, but the type of stem cells. If you get a chance to ask him, it would be appreciated. Any idea of how many?


New member
Treatment complete

I am happy to say it is completed and I
We are getting ready to start on a bit of
A vacation.we will leave for S. C. To see some family.
The treatment was okay. Dr.F. Wants me back on 3 to 6 months. I look for great results.


New member

I left the good doctor in good spirits. He thinks I'm a nice guy so don't Tell him any different!
Wish we could have met but maybe another time. I feel like I do know many of you already.
All take care


Pioneer Founding member
Glad to know all went well Everett and honestly, you are a nice guy! I think it is an excellent idea to do some vacationing. Too many people do not take it easy after treatment which puts stress on their bodies. Let all your relatives wait on you hand and foot.


New member
Beverley in Sarasota

I hope that you are doing well. I know the ANX level has risen at least five notches or more. My treatment went so good I still can't believe it. Four days after treatment I FOUND MYSELF BEING ABLE TO BREATH SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!! I can actually exhale almost normal I got so excited that I called back to Dr. F's office and left a message about it.Drs. need to hear good reports to offset the ones that make you hit the wall.
Jeannine and Barbara-- thank you for your encouragement. Without it I may not have gone through with it. you are sweetherts to the max in all that you do for others. You are all blessings and you will be rewarded in your time.
Also--I am not so sure that turnng me looses like this is such a good idea. Linda and I have traveled over 3200 miles in 12 days, visited a son and grans in South Carolina,went two states east to see a friend that is disabled,then one states back to Byromville GA which is the ancestoral home of my family,down to Albany where Linda spent 7 years in the USN and now we are back in FL pannhandle spending the night. We start home tomorrow and have two days to rest up before hitting the office Monday. It has been wild.
Let us hear how you are doing Bev.
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Pioneer Founding member

That is wonderful news!! Enjoy the rest of your adventure and please keep us posted on your progress.


New member

The buzzard has come home to roost. Dang it feels good. We are tired-happy to be here. So far I have broken a tooth--that's not funny,seperated my right shoulder which is probably a tendon tear. That will shut things down somewhat. My doctors probably wont let me go farther than one county away at this rate.-----
I feel great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can breath better and hope that it continues to improve.
Thank you Dr Feinerman. Your the best. I really enjoyed meeting him.
How are you? Are you back home yet? HOpe all's well with you and yours. It is nice to be back on my P C instead of my iphone.
Thanks to you all for your caring and your prayers.
What do you mean the words out. I was a perfect angel while in Sarasota--


Pioneer Founding member
What did you get into to cause yourself so much damage? Can't take you anywhere huh?

Get some rest and make sure to keep us posted.


New member

Who --- me do?
Seriously I don't know but it is a setback that I will have to rise above.
Next thing I know no one will want to go with me for fear of it rubbing off on them. I don't know whether it is the prednisone I take messing up the tendons or the levoquin which they have come up with as a side effect. Hell of a note-- the FDA wont let DAXAS on the market or stem cell treatment for us who need it but they let all this mess slide by.s It's who you are and who you know.
Any word from Bev?


New member
Florida Report

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to report in we arrived in Sarasota on Wed and stayed at the Hyatt really nice place anyway thursday morning I was so anxious I had such a headache took a spoon of colidial silver to stop my nose from running and also a nac and off we go I LOVE DR F what a nice guy in fact his whole office crew couldn't have been nicer anyway back to the procedure I told ya I had 10 vials of blood drawn before we left took it to fed ex shipped overnight something happened to it couldn't use it so they had to take 6 more vial while I was there and then put it back not bad at all went to eat dinner I had a crab cake and three lobster tails now I am only 110 pds so that was alot for me went back and napped woke up Friday ready to go no anxiety checked out of the hotel and off we go went into the room and the nurse tried and I mean tried to find a vein to start a vitimin bag she must have treid at least 15 times I am not lying my arms look like pin cushions and bruised finally she found one that would work in the ankle so we continued with treatent had to keep my leg sideways for an hour and it stayed she was so concerned about hurting me and I felt so bad for giving her a hard time with the veins did my nebulizer I don't normally neb at home got two shots in the arm to activate and we were done what should have taken about an hour took 3 trip home we were hit downpours all the way but finally got home Saturday had to go to nursing home and bring my father home for the day and yesterday I did nothing I feel pretty good and amazed at how fast the brusing is going away Dr F said that since I live so close I can do treatments every three months so that is the plan I have to call him today about the prescriptions cvs didn't fill it exactly the way he wrote it I don't think so anyway I don't nomally use steroids at all so I am a little concerned with the inhaling of them he wants me to go and do a followup on my alpha test also but I am going to give my veins a rest Everett he said I reminded him of female version of you should I take that as a compliment or lol maybe thats why he changed my day he knew we would be trouble sorry if I seem to ramble so much to say if anyone has any questions please letme know and I will ty and concentrate a little more


Pioneer Founding member
Bev - I hope you are doing something to check your progress. I suggest a daily O2 saturation reading done at the same time each day. This way you can see if any changes are occurring. I also suggest modifying your diet as I stated in another post. Less sugar and heavy starch, more fruits and veggies and oily fish.

What steroids are you inhaling? Were you a non smoker who got emphysema early in life? Those are usually signs of an alpha.

Glad to hear you will be doing additional treatments. I think it's necessary if you
want to see any real improvement.


New member
Barb when I took the scrips up to the pharmacy Dr F started me on pulmocort they told me it is a steroid I only use spiriva and advair I started smoking at 13 and quit when I was 40 because I started getting sick but I am just short of breath I sleep laying flat I have no mucus unless I drink milk and then it is just my nose runs I use xeponex but as in inhaler like I said I never neb I have it but just never used it although my numbers are low I don't suck air the only way I know my air is low is by taking a reading I can walk without the o2 but my numbers drop into the 70 but I don't get sob like a person with copd ususlly does I am a freak of nature I quess maybe that is why Dr F wants to recheck the alpha test and since I started the beta blockers I am able to shower so what I thought was a panic attack was just my heart racing I have learned so much on this journery from you and other posts and also from listening to my body sorry to be long winded Bev ps I will keep a diary of my readings and how I feel each day


Pioneer Founding member

Do you use oxygen at all? Getting short of breath isn't the reason why people are prescribed oxygen. It's because their oxygen drops below 88 when they're walking. I hope you're not walking around without oxygen when you get that low. It will cause damage to your heart, brain and circulation.