

New member
Hi everyone,

I'm having Fran my wife type for me. I had my procedure done Oct 4 2007 and so far I haven't seen much change, The only thing is that I think I have a little more strength. My SOB is still the same. Dr F tells me that it probably will take longer for me to see any change (3months) he gave me some suggestions that might make a difference which was having to do with inhalers. So I still struggle with the showering as usual, but I'm not giving up I'm doing everything right on taking the Vitamins and doing the diet.

Rose we are sooooooooo happy to hear about improvement. Please take an extra shower for me HA HA. Thanks for keeping me informed on your progress. I think that I am in such bad shape that it's going to take a lot more time to fix me.

PS: Tell Norm to put a hook on his line and he might catch more fish HA HA



Pioneer Founding member
Hello Ross

Ross - I am so glad to hear from you. It may take you extra time to show improvement, but keep a good attitude and you will find that little by little some small steps will be gained for you. I will give you a hint and that is that you must continue to shower so that Fran doesn't make you sleep outside. You cannot expect Rose to take on extras just for you. I am glad you are taking the supplements and behaving yourself. We have been waiting anxiously to hear from you. I think about all the Pioneers and I hope others will post soon - changes or not. This is a way to learn for others that may want to get treatment.


New member

Great to hear from you--- and regardless of what Barb says, if it will help you get better faster---I WILL TAKE EXTRA SHOWERS, JUST FOR YOU!!!!

At any rate keep posting, so we don't worry about you, and Fran, if he gets too smelly, just hose him down!!!!! LOL

Good talking to you tonite---

Connie Golden

New member
Ross and Rose

So good to hear from you both. Rose, your progress is exciting. Ross, although it's going to take you a while to get up to speed, just keep going a little more each day. I suggest Fran sets up your golf bag in the livingroom to remind you why you need to put a little extra effort in your exercising program! You can do it.

I'm still floating in the bathtub. I live alone so I've been a little afraid still to tackle the shower just yet. The steam used to give me problems. I'm just a little scaredy cat for now.

I know I am improving in small ways...like deciding to go to Sams shopping at 7am or doing extra things around the house. My blood pressure has come down to the normal range for the first time in five years. I do seem to have more vitality and people say how good I look. It helps that I have been feeling well!

Ross we're all counting on your good recovery! Hang in there and don't let us down!

All my best to all, Connie


Pioneer Founding member
Thanks for the news

Connie - How good to hear your news. Yes, those are small steps, but the blood pressure coming down has to make you feel better for sure. I think you are very astute to notice things such as having the energy to go shopping at 7am. You are far ahead of me in that category! It is just like I mentioned in that some of the changes may be so subtle or not what you are expecting that you can actually miss them if you aren't careful. You start to do things you used to do and not think anything of it until you remember you weren't able to do that particular thing for the last couple of years or months, depending on the progress of your disease. As for Ross, he is in a world of hurt with all these suggestions. Rose gave Fran permission to hose him off and now you are telling her to put those tempting golf clubs just out of his reach, which hopefully is a little more each day. Ross, you can't win, so think positive and get those stem cells working overtime. Thanks again for the update and please, let's hear from everyone else very soon.


New member
take it easy

Ross take it slow and do what you can like you I haven't noticed much improvement in fact I think I am more sob than before so I don't know what is goin on if Fran wants to you leave you can come down here to Fl and hang around in your sweats maybe we could boost each other up take care and hope you have some improvement


Pioneer Founding member
For better or worse

I went through a period of having more SOB than before I went. At that time, I was beginning to seriously doubt the decision I had made. Then suddenly, on May 20, after a horrible week prior, I woke up and my SOB was gone. It has not returned since. I have no explanation for this and have not found any doctor that does. The one thing we can do is give each other support. The waiting is the worst and still is. At least, I no longer have surprises in the morning. By this I mean I consistently feel good and don't have a day here or a day there with problems related to breathing. It is no longer a guessing game as to whether I can make plans in advance. My main goal now is eliminating the need for O2. I still need it upon exertion although my sats are staying higher and higher when I do exert. They used to drop into the 80's with O2 and now they don't. This is a great sign. Now, if my stubborn body would just get it in gear enough so that I can chuck the nose hose altogether, my dreams will have come true. I truly do appreciate hearing from those of you that have had treatment. We can all learn a lot by reading how each person is reacting and in what time frame. Keep those updates coming in!


Pioneer Founding member
That is wonderful news. That's how it starts - you feel braver and do small things which start to add up after awhile. Happened to me too.

Yesterday I thought I was coming down with a cold (people in my office have been coughing and sneezing) and I was so SOB a few times (like my old self) that it really let me see how far I have come. Luckily, I took 3 droppers of Echinacea & Goldenseal under my tongue last night and again this morning and I am feeling fine again.

Family members who haven't seen me for a month or two have commented on how much better I am doing. I went to my brother's house for dinner lasy night and even though I felt worse than usual I was still able to climb his stairs without SOB and even carry on a conversation when I got to the top. This is the first time in at least 3 years that I don't get SOB when visiting him. My husband says I am back to where I was 3-4 years ago which is great considering I didn't have any severe SOB until 2004. Prior to that I only got SOB during strenuous yard or house work.


New member
Harry H

this is my First time on this site , and this sounds very interesting. What i would like to know is a ball park figure on the cost, as i don't think my HMO will cover it. I was diagnosed with copd in march of 1988. I have been on 02 for 5 years. Just for sleeping at first , then three years ago i went to 24/7
Also do they have an age cut off for this stem cell treatment?
Harry Hmrhf1537@yahoo.com


Pioneer Founding member
75 is young!

Welcome to our forum! Unfortunately, your HMO is not going to cover this most likely as it is a procedure that cannot be done in the U.S. yet. However, word has it from a good CPA, that the entire procedure is tax deductible including the transportation costs to get to the clinic of your choice and your expenses while there. The costs vary from $12000.00 to $59000.00 for stem cell treatment. Some clinics include 2 nights hotel and transportation to the clinic and from the airport. What a range, you say? Well, if you didn't say that, I will. I have no clue why there would be such a vast amount of cost difference in treatments. There is no age cut off which is nice. This is a very simple procedure. Most clinics require a 2 night stay. Clinics that are currently accepting COPD patients are in Argentina, Germany, Tijuana, Mexico, Costa Rica, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. There are other stem cell clinics, but to my knowledge these are the only ones treating COPD. I am glad to see you posting and I hope you will continue. We have a nice group of people on this forum and we are all here to try to answer your questions.

Pat Chronister

Pioneer Member
75 is young

I will be 79 on January 10 and just may be the oldest one in this forum?? Makes no difference. My grandson will be 21 in January of 2009 when I turn 80. I plan to take him to Vegas for GRAND celebration - just him and me. We've been planning it since he was 12. I figured it's time to start working on getting better real soon to make that date. Sure can't do it feeling the way I do now.

Pat Chronister
Had Treatment December 6, 2007


Pioneer Founding member
Pat - I think there are a few on here who have you beat. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to speed the process along. It is worthwhile to eat properly and exercise as much as you feel up to, especially with the Power Lung, but it is a slow process for sure. That's why we all suffer from Impatient Syndrome from time to time. It also helps to keep stress at a very minimum. I hope your plans come true with your grandson.


Super Moderator
I will be 79 on January 10 and just may be the oldest one in this forum?? Makes no difference. My grandson will be 21 in January of 2009 when I turn 80. I plan to take him to Vegas for GRAND celebration - just him and me. We've been planning it since he was 12. I figured it's time to start working on getting better real soon to make that date. Sure can't do it feeling the way I do now.

Pat Chronister
Had Treatment December 6, 2007
What is the "Vegas GRAND celebration"? I know about the grand celebration that was in 2005 for Las Vegas' 100th year centennial. What is this one for, and when is it?

Like Barbara said, if you had treatment a little over a week ago, you need to not be expecting improvement right away. Unfortunately, I have had two different treatments, spent way more than $80,000 including travel this year, and no improvement yet.

It is now clear that improvement can take a year or longer. Dr. Feinerman (who did not treat me) stated this in a recent "Ask the Doctor" and I have noticed that several Phase II and III clinical trials for stem cell treatment are measuring improvement at the 12 month time period after treatment, so a year looks to be correct.

The Phase II and III trials are the official double-blind testing being done at hospitals and university clinics all over the world, that will hopefully lead to future FDA mandating of stem cell treatment in the USA.

As for immediate, or close to immediate improvement, some people do seem to experience this, some may be perceived or even imagined, there is no way to know, since everyone is different.

As she said, live well, eat well, try to relax (which is very hard to do).

My personal advice is: tell EVERYONE that knows that you went for treatment to NOT ask you regularly if you are feeling any better. Other than a chosen few people (like Barbara) it bothers me when friends and others ask me if I have improved. Just me, you might enjoy being asked by everyone. As I said, everyone is different, and YMMV.
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Pioneer Founding member
80/21=Grand Celebration

Harv - I think Pat is meaning the Grand Celebration of her 80th birthday with her 21 year old grandson. I am assuming this would be his first trip there. And thank you Harv for letting me get away with asking how you are. I know you will update us, but sometimes I get carried away and get impatient waiting for updates. That darn Impatient Syndrome again! I am greatly encouraged that Dr. Feinerman has been seeing good results later on than was first expected. I am looking forward for more good things yet to come and I wish the same for all of our members who have had treatment.

Pat Chronister

Pioneer Member
Harv, Your comment about the GRAND Vegas celebration made me chuckle. The variety of interpretation of written words is so interesting. The "GRAND" was meant only to call attention to the personal celebration that I have planned for my "Grandson" and me. And when I said I'd better start doing something about feeling better, I meant something extreme - like our stem cell therapy. For 4 yrs I've continued in pulmonary rehab exercise class -2 1/2 hrs. twice a week to just maintain a bit of "normal."
Without that, I think I'd be in a fetal position on the couch. This year I had to give in and turn up oxygen flow to 3 ltr to endure 30 min. on treadmil plus reduce the speed to 1.5 - My primary care doc says I remind him of the energizer bunny - I just keep goin' and goin'
My family is so proud of me that I made the decision to do stem cell therapy and took care of all the arrangements myself. I feel kinda proud too - but must give credit to fate that brought me to this forum.

Pat Chronister
Had stem cell therapy December 6, 2007


New member

Pat you sure do have a great attitude I know you will make it to Vegas just on your sure will to be there you already seem to be doing alot better I for one did not feel like getting online for the longest time I need some of your determination maybe I will set a goal for myself you are an inspiration to me maybe you can come to Florida and smack me and get my butt in gear take care and keep in touch


Pioneer Founding member
Ups and downs

Bev - What you are going through is what we have also experienced. Don't beat yourself up about it, but do keep posting. Some people get down in the dumps, others get invigorated, some get both off and on. There is no way to explain it unless you have had stem cell therapy in my opinion. I was so blue some days, I wanted to find a bus on the road and stand in front of it. Only trouble was, I didn't have the energy to do it! Then as suddenly as the blues showed up, they would disappear and I was almost in a euphoric mood. Very strange to deal with to say the least. You can try to shake a little of the moods by using CD's to relax with and of course good old exercise takes some of the edge off.


Super Moderator
OK, I think I am up to speed on what the "grand" celebration meant and everything else, and yes, it does sound truly grand. ;)

I have been to Vegas about 5 times and love it, which is one reason I wondered if it was a publicized event!

I am in no way a gambler, but I find some amusement in watching people lose money very quickly. If you like shows, I highly recommend Rita Rudner at the New York, New York, the Smothers Brothers (if they are there - they were fabulous), The Platters and The Coasters were awesome. I also saw a Cirque de Soleil show that was amazing. Those are all lower-priced shows, which are all I have ever been to.

I am not into Celine Dion, but she is the highest-price show in Vegas. Caesar's built a theater just for her.

My favorite part of Vegas is the climate: I love walking in 105 degree heat with no humidity! In Texas, I have the heat, but also high humidity, which makes a huge difference. I can walk forever in Vegas, and no allergies in the desert!

Can't see any reason why you won't make it there, as was said...based solely on your attitude alone!

Where are you going to stay?
I stayed once at the Luxor, but many times at the Aladdin which is now called Planet Hollywood.


Super Moderator
...And thank you Harv for letting me get away with asking how you are.
Any time.

Coming from you I know that the intentions and question are genuine.

When some others ask me, it's more like they are tired of hearing that I am not well, and just want to hear something different!

Pat Chronister

Pioneer Member
Harv, We'll probably stay at Mirage. For years, it's been our favorite. Caesar's is great for the shopping mall, but it's casino doesn't have the right attitude toward my money - takes it away and won't give back - every time. I love to gamble and seldom waste time on shows. I think the last show I saw was Sammy Davis, Jr. (what a performance THAT was). I do love to gamble - I consider it entertainment money and budget a certain amount for probable losses. I also take check book and enter a "to heck with the budget" phase about 24 hrs. into a 3 day trip.
Maybe I'll see you in Vegas in January, 2009.

Pat Chronister
Had treatment December 6, 2007