appointment set


New member
I did it I made the appointment for the treatment after so many times going back and forth and bothering so many people with questions including the great people on this forum, I talked to a DR R she was very nice but could not answe all my questions because i never sent my medical records but that will be done on MOnday if I have to fax them myself anyway called the office talked to ana made the date oct 4 one month after my husbands 60 birthday I am so excited but nervous at the same time I want so much for this to work I hope I don't get my expectations up to high my lungs are in bad shape but if I can take a shower shave my legs and wash my hair all in the same day I will be one happy person I have to go now and get a passport so I have to get my hair cut and colored I want to look nice my whole attitude has changed already well thank you all for all the support and you I will be in touch again real soon Bev in Fl


Pioneer Founding member
All in one day?

Bev - One thing I can now do is hurry and get ready to go somewhere. You said you hoped you could do a few things all in one day. How about 15-20 minutes unless your hair takes a lot of work? And without O2. Does that sound good? You do not need a passport until 2008 for border crossings, but you do need proof of citizenship. Also, as the time gets closer for all of you who are going, if you require special accommodations at the hotel, I would suggest calling the hotel yourself and get the name of the person you talked to. The hotel will say they cannot guarantee a ground floor room, etc. and that is fine, but tell them you are expecting one because you need it. Do not ask the clinics where you go to do this is my advice. One phone call lets you know that the request was put in. I needed a ground floor room when I went and I got one because I called the hotel directly. Not everyone else did. I am so excited to see that you are going to go. One thing we ask in return is that you report to us all if you will. This forum has helped quite a few people in the short time it has been up and I am really proud of that. I think all of us that are feeling so good feel like we need to pass it on to someone else. Also, if you do not have a PowerLung, get one. It is a great device. Call the company direct at 1-800-903-3087 and tell them that you got the info from the Stem Cell Pioneers forum. We are trying to get them to put a link up on this forum so that it will be easy for people to order one. This lung exercisor is not just for people with COPD. It is good for anyone wanting to strengthen their lungs and it has been one of the most useful things I have done for myself post stem cell treatment. Look at Jan's post under PowerLung for another endorsement.


New member
don't worry

Barbara although we have never met I feel as though you and Jeannine have become my best friends you both have been there through all my indecision and helped me get through the process the best thing of all was directing me to this clinic I wait patiently for the day I can get up and decide to go to town and not have to prepare a day in advance I will always be here to help anyone that follows with as much help and guidance you both have given me and if after the procedure is done if I am worthy of being called a pioneer I will say it loudly and proud thank you all every one i have met through this web site has been compassionate and helpful and it has really made the choice easier I will take your advice and call the hotel directly for a ground floor room we will be carrying a small concentrator don't like the omiron I need continuous flow and of course a bunch of tanks and my poor hubby will have to haul all these things I am counting the days to my new life beginning thanks again Bev in Fl


Pioneer Founding member
Great start to a Saturday

Bev - what a lovely way for me to start a Saturday by reading your very kind post. I am glad you purchased our book because it will help you travel the road ahead after your treatment. I do urge everyone that has treatment to remember that it takes time to regenerate your lungs. Jeannine and I have dubbed it Impatient Syndrome because of how impatient a person gets while they wait for small improvements. That's one reason we tell people to start keeping a journal before treatment. Mark down things like SOB all day. Took 2 hours to get ready to start the day. Coughed all night. Felt like a 300 pound weight was on my chest, gasped my way up the stairs, etc. This is true for all patients, not just COPD patients. If you start doing this ahead of time, then it will really inspire you to look back and see how much progress you really are making. I woke up one morning and realized I had slept the entire night on my back. I wasn't even thinking that I hadn't been able to do that for years, when all of a sudden it dawned on me that this was a major improvement. I wasn't even able to lie down at the hospital to receive my stem cell transplant. One more thank you I want to give and I know everyone else will too, is to the other people that make this forum successful. Larry has been doing a great job researching. Nassin is always helpful. Anastasia actually had enough time to quit waiting on Nelson to start a caregiver's category, Nelson himself is always there to lend a hand, Mary Jo has just had treatment and promises to learn to navigate the forum so she can report. Dolores had treatment yesterday and will report. Jan is always on the prowl for relevant information and is a gold star poster. Pat is online on other venues fighting the battle, Fran works behind the scenes and we have people that are with us everyday posting and adding information.Shazza, kygal, Anney, Zar, Rose and many more. Look at some of our frequent posters, including you Bev and I say three cheers for all of you. This forum is starting to get some very positive attention and that is what's needed to get the word out that no one needs to die from many so called terminal diseases.
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New member
thank you

while we are thanking people who have helped I mistakenly forgot to mention Tony in Dallas I emailed him privately and he was kind enough to be honest with me which really helped me to make the final decision I pray that soon this cure will not be Dependant on money and that all who are suffering have the same privilege that we have Tony was honest about his choice and his journey so while we all rejoice in our good fortune and health lets pray for those that are waiting May God bless them and help them find the way to better health hope I haven't talked out of turn Bev in Fl


Pioneer Founding member
Private messages

Bev - I think there is a list a mile long of people who are willing to help others get well. There are some very wonderful people that I have received private e-mails, messages and phone calls from and in no way am I intentionally leaving anyone off the thank you list. For those of you who are not familiar with Tony, please click on members list, then T and then you can read his posts. I haven't heard from him in a couple of weeks and am glad to know that you had contact with him. One thing I wanted to mention to anyone getting ready to go, it doesn't hurt to be in the best shape you can possibly be in. Even if you are wheelchair bound, exercising your upper body or using soup cans for weights will increase your strength. Having that extra edge will make it easier for you to travel and that new army of stem cells will be happy that you have done some conditioning too. I always crank my O2 up to do any exercising and use continuous flow.

Connie Golden

New member
Many, many thanks!!!

I, also am very grateful to your pioneer group. Your book is very informative and you indeed have courage. I expect to meet you Bev, on Oct 4th in San Diego when I also have an appointment for my very own cells!

I belonged to Tony's stem cell group since he started. Several of us went to Mexico for live animal cells (I did twice); several had LRS and Tony had a new lung. We thought we were staying up pretty well on what was going on but we sure didn't know about stem cell therapy.

I got real lucky because Express Airlines (50 Passenger Jet) flys direct from OKC to San Diego in three hours. Found a very helpful oxygen supplier: Coram, (858)637-6300. I dealt with Theresa. She had not heard of SCB so I visited with her quite a while since her customers live there is the area!!! I also gave her the pioneer site should any of her clients be interested. Hope this is allright.

I am 72. My lungs "shouldn't support life" says my pulmonoligist. He doesn't want to hear anything about stem cell therapy. He said the same thing about Spiriva as I was importing Spiriva from Europe two years before it came on the market in US. I do exercise fairly regularly. Try for one mile on treadmill. I make it about a third of the time. Sometimes it takes me almost an hour!! I can usually make 3/4 mile while blowing my brains out. Like most of you, I do work 5-6 days a week.

I have made all these arrangements, reservations, etc., for two and now I need to brake the news to my son and daughter and find out who gets the honors!!!

Again, words are not adequate. I was so afraid I couldn't hold out to get the stem cells and by gosh, I'm going to make it afterall, thanks to you all.

Tony is a very special man. I hope he can make this trip as well.

Much love to you all,
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Pioneer Founding member
Stem Cell Mates forever

This is really great news Connie. You and Bev will now be stem cell mates! Please remember, to contact the hotel directly and get a name of the person you talked to if you have any special requests (ground floor room, etc). Do not rely on anyone else to do this for you. If you do not have the name of the hotel where you will be staying, you will get it usually a couple of weeks before you are scheduled. Also, if you want to take an antibiotic prior to treatment, make sure you contact the doctor and get a prescription or have your own doctor give you one once you know what the doctor wants you to take. Since you read our book, you know what I mean. Congratulations to all of you that have posted such good news today.


New member
Great news

Connie I am so happy to have a cell buddy I wanted one so bad and now you are it whether that is good news to you or not time will tell but I am glad that someone with the same condition is going so we can bounce things off each other congratulations on your decision and I look forward to seeing you In Cal. Oct 3 Bev in FL


Pioneer Founding member
Stem Cell Mates

You two will find out how wonderful it is to have a stem cell mate. I do not know what I would do without Jeannine. We have a bond forever because of this. I think this is terrific that you two ladies will be having the treatment on the same day. You will probably meet others there also with different diseases. It is almost like going to a really neat camp. You end up with a special kind of feeling for each another. We all got together for dinner the night of the treatment and it was something I will never forget.


New member

Hey!!!!! I want to be a buddy too---I'm going Oct. 4th too---We are driving down from Oregon--

Maybe we can have a party!!!!!!:D



Pioneer Founding member
Stem cell mates threesome

Wow - This is a new record. Three people who never knew each other before this forum are going to be stem cell mates on October 4. That is just awesome. You ladies will have a wonderful time. Believe me, you are not worn out or anything except if you traveled a long way, so you can have an after party for sure. I was amazed at how pumped up I was that day and it continued into the night. Maybe we had better tell the company that we are going to need larger vans for our forum members if this keeps up. Anyway, congratulations. You will not regret it and you will have each other to compare notes with. No two people improve exactly the same, but there are a lot of similarities. Really good news from all of you.


New member

Rose I didn't mean to exclude you I was just skimming through the posts I am so glad to have you with us the more the merrier as they say it will be nice to have you and Connie along for support and also to be able to put a face with the names I am excited but we will be driving in also from Florida we have family in Louisiana so that will be our first night second night on the road and third night we should be in San Diego my husband wants to leave earlier so we are planning on at least 5 days traveling just in case I'm not worried I usually crawl into the back of the car with the seats down I have a real nice bed and I sleep real good while hes driving I need to call lincaire and start them with the prep work but today I am off to do battle with Social Security wish me luck Bev in FL


New member


I was just kidding around---Don't be sorry---It will be fun to have 3 of us there----

Hope the time goes by quickly!!!!



New member
Pleasant Surprises

A couple of weeks ago we called for an appt. and we were given Sept. 20. That seemed a long way away...then.

Since that time, we have had several appts. with Doctors, including VA, Pulmonologist and Dermatologist. The VA doctor said "Go for it" although he could not "officially" recommend it. He commended us for being "pioneers" (his words). He pointed out he had seen info on the news about the race horse who was lame and had stem cells and then was up racing again.

The Pulmonologist yesterday said "Go for it" and added that it would revolutionlze medical practice in the US. He said he would really like to speak with the Doctor at the Clinic. He is copying Howard's records so they can be sent to the clinic prior to treatment. He wished us well and said he would expect improvement on our next visit in November! YEA!!!

Today Howard had an appt. at the dermatologist. He has a "pre-cancerous" place on his arm that was treated. We told the Dr. we were leaving on Sept. 14 for California. He was nice enough to ask about our "vacation." We told him no it was not really a vacation and "spilled the beans" about the stem cell treatment. He was SO supportive and said he admired anyone who wanted to improve their health.

We expected a lot of eyebrow raising, negative comments and attempts to talk us out of this. NO ONE HAS DONE THIS! We have a friend who is head of nursing in the state of Mississippi. She is retiring at the end of September. She said if she could go with us she would LOVE to do so, but her retirement party is on the day of our treatment and we did not want to put it off. She said if we could reschedule for October, she would go with us H--- or highwater, but as much as we would love her support, we don't want to wait.

Howard is so very shaky due to so many meds. He tried to wean himself off of them but that made him worse so he is back on all of them. It is difficult for him to eat and hold a glass of grape juice without shaking. He was so shaky the other night that he said he was surprised he did not have aching muscles the next day due to such severe tremors. I really worry about this. The Pulmo Dr. said it is the meds but we hope after treatment he can come off some of the meds and get back to a more normal state.

We were recommended to get a prescription for Brovana. Since Howard is on Spiriva (also a 12-hour bronchodilator with steroids) (Brovana has no steroids) our Pulmo Dr. did not recommend him changing with the onset of our trip so close.

Since Howard only has 14% lung function, the Dr. said flying was NOT recommended and he was very concerned about the variance in altitude even tho the cabin was pressurized. SO we will be driving from East MS to CA.

Don't mean to bore you all with our details, but thought you might want to know.

Howard and Susan


Pioneer Founding member
Susan & Howard

My husband just reminded of the nickname my in-laws gave my Eclipse. They called it R2.


Pioneer Founding member
Congradulations Bev,

The first step is always the hardest. I'm most happy for you stepping forward to get some relief from this malady. I must add that you can raise your expectations a bit as things just continue to get better for me and that is a positive statement. I am using less oxygen, my BO readings are are higher than I hoped for. I have more energy, can do more and it is a pleasant surprise that good things are happening even after almost three months after the treatment. You're in the company of very nice people who have been where you are, and did something about it. Please keep us informed of your progress.



New member
Howard and susan

Wishing you a safe trip and treatment----Bev, Connie, and I will be following close behind you--

It's wonderful that the Dr.'s are so behind you---I went to my PCP today, and she too was very supportive, altho with some reservations--I think it would help if our Dr.'s could speak to Dr. R and Dr. F--She assured me tho that she would be behind me 100%---She admitted to me that there is nothing much left to help me, barring surgery, and I choose not to do that--I firmly believe in what we are all doing--- I have been so SOB lately that I am tensed up, my neck and shoulders hurt really bad--she orderd xrays--then prescribed a muscle relaxer for me 3 per day, think i'll start with 1 per day--don't want to be a Zombie---She also mentioned putting morphine in my nebulizor, has anyone heard of that???



New member

As a matter of fact, Tuesday of this week our Pulmo Dr. did mention about morphine in the nebulizer and he said NOT to do it. He said it DID make very labored breathing easier, but it was not for use except for very desperate measures. You don't sound as if you are that desperate LOL! Seriously, I am sure you will feel much better, as will we all, after the treatment.



Pioneer Founding member

There is a thread on COPD Intl. under Suicide where someone who was given the morphine was now thinking about cranking it up to the point where it would do him in. I was absolutely appalled that no one on the thread seemed very concerned about it. I would not want to resort to morphine, because what next? Hang in there Rose. You don't have long to wait and even though you won't be seeing any results overnight with stem cell therapy, you will improve slowly almost every day. You are going to be quite SOB before you go because of just being nervous. In our book, I think you will notice that I mentioned how horribly SOB I was the weekend before I left. I thought I would never make it there. Do you have any type of meditation tapes or anything you can relax with? This helps a lot and I really depended on them to destress me back when I was feeling like you do.