What color are your eyes?


New member
Nelson's eyes are

Green. He's a Scot through and through. All 4 of his grandparents were born in Scotland around the time they were painting themselves blue!;)


Pioneer Founding member

Well I am descendant of the Johnston clan from Scotland and I have Wallace in me too. I think the lousy lungs come from our Viking ancestors. I believe many Scots have Viking in them.


New member

They do. But here is an interesting twist...Nelson's family is Jewish... we don't know if they migrated to Scotland before or after the family became Jewish...but the paternal side has lung problems! Frankly, I think all COPD is rooted in a genetic problem. Not every smoker gets COPD. My father also smoked like a Chinese Chimney and he had a smoker's cough you wouldn't believe. But no SOB, or any of the other problems of lung disease. His ethnicity was Dutch and Welsh. Smoking did indeed kill him, but it was throat cancer that did him in. My mother is Ukrainian and German, so I am quite a mutt myself. I can report no lung problems despite being an SCC (Smoking Chinese Chimney) myself for 45 years. Go figure!


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More Scots

It's funny that you brought up the Scottish connection...I was wondering about that a few days ago after seeing the great amount of Scottish ancestry who posted in this thread. Two of my maternal uncles (100% Scotch) also died from E. I'm only 50% Scotch, but I got it too. There's too much here for it not have a bearing. -- Vic

Edit: BTW, Scotland has one of the highest COPD rates in the world...I never linked it since I credited it to all the coal miners there...now I have to rethink that.
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New member
eye color

Blue/Alpha One
Maternal Grandparents Both German
Paternal Grandfather German
Paternal Grandmother English
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New member
Eye Color

Blue/all blue eyes both mother and father's side. Half Irish, half Russian/Hungarian or something like that. I have Irish charasterics. It's beginning to look a lot lijke Irish/
scottish/English [Vikings?] have a genetic predisposition to the big "E".


New member
color of eyes

I'm conducting a survey to find out the eye color and ancestry of people diagnosed with Emphysema, Alpha1, Asthma, or Chronic Bronchitis:

I suspect that many of us have fallen victim to our genes.

I spoke with a researcher at University of South Carolina last year because they were giving free Alpha1 testing as part of a research project. The researcher told me that the largest group of people with Alpha1 in the US are in Minnesota and Wisconsin which we all know is heavily Scandinavian. I have located DNA testing on my family names and most originated in Scotland, Ireland, Norway and Denmark.

If anyone is interested in sharing these statistics, it would be appreciated.
If you aren't sure where your ancestors orignated, you might want to check out http://www.ysearch.org and type in your family names and see where they might have orignated hundreds of years ago.
The color of my eyes are blue. I have Emphysema


New member
Colour of eyes=Same like "FRANKS" blue,cant croon like him though.One of my ancestors was "Bold Robert" the rebel against the goverment of Ireland.When my Grandmother was alive,IF I was in trouble(quite often)she would call me Robert(not my name).Maybe the rebel is in the blood,one thing, I wont finish my days like him.As the Judge put it,he was hung by the neck untill he was dead(age25).Sorry Vic,the closest I get to 100%Scotch is in a glass with ice;)I have emphysema.ZAR


Pioneer Founding member
The Scots and the Irish share identical DNA in terms of thousands of years they were descended from the same people.

I believe the genes for emphysema come from the Viking ancestors who invaded the British Isles


New member
I have E. My eyes are hazel. My mom's eyes were a gorgeous blue and she claimed to be Dutch and English. She died from Parkinson's disease. My dad's eyes were brown and not sure of his ancestry. He died from cancer of the bone marrow. (he was a smoker for 40 years).


New member
Eyes: Brown
Maternal: Scots/Irish, mtDNA Haplogroup K
Paternal: German, Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b
Diagnosis: COPD