To the five for the fourth and their caregivers


Pioneer Founding member
I just want to wish everyone who is having treatment on the 4th the very best. I know you are all leaving at various times, so bon voyage. I am very excited for all of you. You will actually enjoy this medical treatment because you will be meeting each other and forming a special bond. When was the last time that happened to anyone you know? I always feel especially in the bonding mood at the dentist's office. Actually, any medical office just doesn't quite have the setting to bond with anyone. Well, this experience does. I know you will all do well. Keep us posted.


New member
Thanx Barbara. We are leaving home on Tuesday to stay overnight near the airport in Oakland, CA. Then fly Wed. A.M. to San Diego. When we come back we have a house sit in the S.F. Bay Area for a week before coming back to Nevada City which is in a more a rural area of California. Ward says he hopes there's not a lot of stairs. Anyway, he's is reading a book that was popular in the 70's by that guy Simington who had the visualization method for Cancer patients. There's a whole section on mental imagery while receiving treatment and afterwards that I believe people should consider. We are both looking forward to this trip but I notice I'm getting a little anxious. I wish we would have not scheduled this house-sit but it happened ages ago. It would have been nice to stay in San Diego awhile. regine


New member
To The Five On The Fourth

Thanks Barbara---

We Had A Very Good Time Bonding---The Treatment Went Extremely Smooth--Norm And I Are In Parker Az. Tonite, On The Way Home---first Time I've Had Internet---

It Was A Great Experience, Will Tell More Later--we Are Tired.

Hugs To All---rose


Pioneer Founding member
Hola Rose

Rose - It was good to hear from you. Now you have that army of stem cells starting to work for you. I am anxious to hear all about your experience and to have more people to provide updates for us in the future. Yesterday was an exciting day here on the forum also. We had 46 people viewing the forum at the same time. This broke our old record of 26 on 8/21. I think word is getting out about stem cell treatment! Take it easy for a few days and then report for duty.


New member
We're back in Oakland for our 1 week house sit taking care of a 10 year old Siberian Husky. We're not home so no one can reach us unless we want them to. I'll write more about trip to S.D. in the next few days. Just to say that Ward had a pretty easy time with the trip home. I thought he seemed more alert myself. He's been asleep for most of the last 24 hours except to get up and eat something and read a little which is good as we didn't get much good rest Tuesday, Wed. Thurs. or Fri since we were traveling some on all of those days. Speaking of eating see my post to Iraynak for Ward's already observable results. I'm so glad we did this and so is Ward and it was great to meet the others.


New member
To The Five For The Fourth

We Made It Home Today, It Was A Long Hard Trip, Especially For Norm--- We Are Both Glad To Be Home---it Was Fun Meeting All The Rest Of The Gang.---didn't Get To Spend Much Time With Connie, But, She Was Having A Special Time With Her Daughter.

I Was Told That They Gave Me Over 100 Million Cells, Most Programmed For My Lungs, Some For Cardiac, Osteoarthritis, And Bladder---I Have Been Very Tired But Am Sure It Is Because Of The Long Trip. I Go Back To Pulmo Rehab In The Morning, So I Need To Get Some Sleep---



Pioneer Founding member
Welcome home Rose

As I told the others, get some rest and give us all the scoop when you feel up to it. I am so glad to hear that everything went well for all of you. Ross said he is more SOB than normal which for some people is normal after treatment. Ward is hungry, Bev sounds like she is doing well and that leaves Connie who I hope is still having fun with her daughter. Take care, don't overdo it for now. We will all look forward to hearing from you later.

Connie Golden

New member
And The Fifth Little Pig...

Hi everyone,

I'm glad to report in at long last. Everything is wonderful. I am so grateful to have gotten the stem cells, I'm still on cloud nine. Everything went so smoothly except the portable concentrator would not hold a charge for much over 20 minutes. This was a nightmare but I knew my daughter wasn't going to let anything happen to me. She even arranged to have my son meet our return flight on Saturday at the gate with a tank of air.

San Diego was wonderful. The hotel was wonderful. I can't wait to be able to actually go there for a vacation. Won't that be fun!! It was so beautiful with the palm trees, bird of paradise, humming birds...

Rose covered our trip to Tiajuna well. Actually both cities were unusually clean. They put Oklahoma to shame for litter.

Our plane was delayed a few hours in Denver so Juliet missed the "evening out" with our group. I was so glad to make everyones acquaintance too.
I sort of crashed on Sunday but all week I've felt fine. Juliet went home to Poland on Monday. I told her, if all goes well, I may come visit her next year. Wouldn't that be great!!

Everyone says how great I look and act. They are probably suffering from the placebo effect as well.

I go to my regular Pulmonologist next week. Am anxious to know hear how my four companions are doing!!!

All Best, Connie


New member
Welcome Home Connie

Hi Connie----

It's good to hear from you, and it was pure joy to finally meet you and your lovely daughter. She did such a great job taking care of her mom!!!!

talked to ross today, he's had a rough time with SOB but was a bit better today, was good to talk to him.



Pioneer Founding member
Welcome home Connie

Connie, What a lovely recap of your trip. It sounds like it was extra special for you with your daughter getting to be with you. Keep us posted. I know everyone is excited to hear from all of you. You were the last of the famous five to check in and I thought maybe you had decided to visit Poland for awhile. Maybe, next year huh?


New member
welcome back

Connie you had us all a litle concerned about not checking in I thought maybe you felt so good you just went to Poland with your Daughter I am so sorry we didn't get to spend more time together but you had a more important visitor Your daughter watched over you the way I watched over my mom it was so nice to meet you and her I am glad you are feeling well and hopefully we will hear more from you Bev in Fl