Second Therapy

JC the Fox

New member
As many of you know, I had autologous stem cell therapy performed in Nevada in February of this year. My primary indication of improvement is the time I am able to walk (leisurely, without supplemental oxygen) before my O2 level drops below 95. That time was just a matter of 2-3 minutes to begin, but, in the middle of May, I had reached 45 minutes. In addition, my recovery time back to 95 was usually under 30 seconds, and my recovery to 97 was under one minute (again without supplemental oxygen).

Unfortunately, life isn't always simple and smooth. Toward the end of May, I started having severe dizzy spells (due to a form of vertigo, and unrelated to my lung problems), and I either could not do the walking at all, or I had to stop before my O2 levels dropped. It took me a long time to get over the dizziness and start the regimen again. Nonetheless, when I was able to finish my walks, my recovery times stayed short.

I wanted to have a full set of PFT's performed to verify that my lung function was actually improving; but I had to cancel my appointment with the local VA doctor, because my father was hospitalized. Perhaps I tried to do too much during that time, or I was exposed to sick people in the hospital, for I had an exacerbation of bronchitis that lasted longer than usual. I have begun walking again, and my last walk was over 35 minutes before my levels got to 94; recovery time to 97 was less than a minute.

I went to the local VA doctor today, and he was, in a word, surprised. Pleasantly so, however; as he told me that today was the first time that he had been able to hear my lungs move air. He also said that he heard no other noises, such as wheezing, and that my lungs were as clear as he had heard in the past 5 years. He then ordered new PFT's to be performed in September.

Since it has been 6 months since my first therapy, I am traveling later this week to Nevada to have a second therapy performed next week. It is my feeling that my long-term use of StemTrition (since October, 2008) and the autologous therapy done in February are the reasons for my improvement, and I expect that another therapy session will result in further improvement, which will be confirmed or not within the next six weeks or so.



Pioneer Founding member
J C - Good to hear from you. No one else is performing quite like you. You have used Stemtrition a long time. I have too, but I could no more go for a walk like you can then fly and I had 3 treatments plus others prior to that. It will be nice to know what your PFT's show. I do feel that Daliresp has kept me bronchitis free. Keep up the good work.

JC the Fox

New member

I discussed Daliresp with the VA doctor. It has not been approved by the VA yet, but he might prescribe it for me out of the system. Fortunately, my wife's insurance does cover it (albeit with a $45/month co-pay). We are going to wait until after my PFT's are performed, so that only the stem cell therapy will be the cause for any improvement or regression.


New member

I have just started taking this product. Jc and Barbara what are the dosages you have worked up to and take on a daily basis?


Pioneer Founding member

RichardN - You should not exceed 5 capsules per day. For children under 13, 1 capsule per day is the maximum recommended dosage. I take 3 capsules per day. My dogs and horses also take Stemtrition and they do very well on it as does my husband. The manufacturer recommends that you work up to the 5 capsules slowly. Start with one and then add additional capsules every 2-4 weeks if you wish.

It is best to take Stemtrition in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach. If you have trouble doing that, take it with a piece of toast.

This product is not going to be like drinking a Red Bull, but there are good reported results from those that use it. It was also tested for 2 years in a human protocol and also has been tested in equines. Children with cerebral palsy have responded well and JC seems to feel it has helped him. I have noticed a difference in my pets for sure. For me, I take it for insurance.


Anyone that wishes to order this product can do so here:

JC the Fox

New member

During the initial study for the product (it was called Stem Cell Advance at the time), I increased my dosage very gradually over a period of months, until I was taking 6 capsules per day. I have reduced that amount and I'm now taking 4 capsules per day. As Barb suggested, I take all four the first thing in the morning, before any other medications, except for my inhaler.


New member
Jc how long did you maintain the dosage of 6/day before reducing down to four?
I think the fact that you were on this product for so long may have increased the benefit you seemed to have gotten from the stem cell therapy.

JC the Fox

New member

I was taking 6 capsules per day for well over a year - I reduced my intake to 4 capsules earlier this year. I think that taking it for so long increased the benefits of actual stem cell therapy, as well.

I wish that I could have had a stem cell count taken before and during the study; then another count right before and after having stem cell therapy.


Pioneer Founding member
Without having stem cell counts before and after there is no way to know if the additional capsules helped or not or if it is the actual duration or neither of these things. Some people just may respond better than others. There is no proof at all that mega doses help, so at this point, outside of a study that is closely physician monitored, patients should not exceed the recommended maximum dosage.

I have taken Stemtrition longer than JC and my stem cell treatments have never given me the ability to do what he is doing, especially after only one treatment. I guess we are all different and respond differently.


New member
StemTrition Dose Levels

Hi, y'all....

Regarding the dose level of StemTrition (a.k.a. Stem Cell Advance); I've been on 5 capsules daily since July 2009, along with three 81mg tabs of enteric aspirin. This was at the suggestion of the Stem Cell Consultant at that time...

Barbara, et al, what's the justification for no more than 4 daily? I'm getting a bit concerned since reading this; maybe I should cut back to 4 capsules per day?

JC: What was the reason you went from 6 to 4 per day?



Pioneer Founding member
Yorkere - You were in a controlled study where you built up gradually to that amount, so not to worry. I would think reducing to 4 capsules per day for you might do just as well at this point. You could try it and see if you notice any difference. I did notice a difference between 2 capsules and 3 and also a difference between 3 capsules and 4. The best dosage for me is 3 capsules per day. Two wasn't enough and 4 made me feel a little lightheaded. My husband says I am just naturally dizzy so maybe that was it instead of the number of capsules.

For the study protocol you were in, the increase was very slow. Unfortunately, some people tend to think more is better and do not have the patience to build up slowly like the protocol had us do. Up to five appears to be a good standard for the maximum and it is what the manufacturer suggests.

JC the Fox

New member

I, too, was in the controlled study, and my dosages were monitored by the consultant. At some point last year, I reduced the number of capsules from 6 to 5 (not sure of the exact date). Since I had actual stem cell therapy in February, and since the maximum suggested dosage is 4, I reduced the number to 4 at that time. I still take 3-4 81mg aspirins per day, as well.

Overall, I did show improvement with the StemTrition, but not to the extent or the quickness as with the stem cell therapy.


New member
Stemtrition Benefits

Thank you very much for your responses; here is what I THINK I've learned from taking this stuff:

I was diagnosed in 2000 with severe, advanced gleno-humeral Osteoarthritis (shoulders). I had destroyed the joints from ~30+ years of constantly overloading the joints from gym workouts done the wrong way...

I spent ~2 years trying to find a surgeon I could trust for a "Total Shoulder Arthroplasty"; it's a horrible surgery that does NOT have a good track record; during this time the pain on movements was essentially almost constant and relentless (Left shoulder was the worst). The nature of the pain was sudden shrieking stabs of it on simple movements. During this search time I went onto physical therapy with a very skilled therapist, who did gradually begin to do me some good...I was able to keep putting off the surgery until I started on the Stem Cell Advance protocol in February 2009.

Didn't notice too much happening, but in December of 2009, I began a medical protocol which included daily injections of Somatotropin (Human Growth Hormone, HGH). About 3 months into that I began to note that the sharp vicious stabs of pain were receding, one-by-one...this has kept up 'till at this time, and for quite awhile now, there has been very little to NO discomfort at ALL! Range of Movement is still kinda limited, but no pain at this time...Physical therapy still goes on once a week.

I think that the two factors, Stemtrition & HGH together, may be responsible for my being able to avoid the shoulder replacement surgery, hopefully, for GOOD. I'll just have to see what happens...



New member
I have been lurking on this website for over a year. I hardly ever see anyone post about treatments that did zip for them. I finally decided to go for it and went to the BioRegenesis Institute a few months ago and I got NOTHING from the treatment except a smaller bank account. I even had to pay extra for a blood test that no one bothered to mention and then was told it was $75 more to have the doctor interpret the results. Why not just put out a jar for tips? Nobody even called me afterwards. It was a major disappointment for me. I am happy for someone like you JC that says they are doing so well, but I'll bet there are a lot of others out there that have gotten stem cell treatment that have had little or no results. Not just at the clinic in Las Vegas but anywhere. I am getting fed up with all the glowing reports on websites. Show me the proof doctors. BS might sell for awhile, but not forever.


Pioneer Founding member
All members are encouraged to post their thoughts and experiences on this forum. I have to agree with you Bobcat that the occasional posting of one or two patients stating they have had positive results, is hardly enough evidence to state that a therapy is truly causing any regeneration or reversal in the disease a person suffers from. I encourage patients to post their experiences, good or bad.

I would truly love to see clinics start to put their money where their mouth is and begin to take the time and effort to truly do studies and clinicals of a significant nature. At this point, only the clinics that are working for accreditation or have it with ICMS and those doing verifiable clinical studies have any credibility in my opinion. I am not including university or hospital studies or therapies that are not available to the general public.

If you don't have a starting point (clinical statistics taken for all patients pre treatment) and you don't follow up after treatment with the same type of data gathering, then you really have nothing but the hopes that someone will say they are feeling better and that others are willing to follow them.

Patients really deserve better than this. I had my hopes up that there was some change on the horizon, but so far I have not seen it. It's just too easy to take money from patients and not provide proof of what you are doing for them. I am as gullible as others. I am told by a doctor or researcher that I have received X number of a certain type of stem cell and I have to trust that what they are saying is true, but I really have no way to tell. No proof has ever been provided to me. There is also the "overwhelm" them with scientific jargon approach. Patients have little understanding of what is being told them and therefore like to believe that whoever is telling them this is another Einstein.

I am a bit disillusioned myself having spent a lot of time and money on therapies, only to find that the drug Daliresp is providing the best results I have had in years for my disease. I do still believe in stem cell therapy, but I also think at this time, that many diseases simply do not respond as positively as what is hyped upon us. Also, one must consider that return visits can send the cost of treatment through the roof and out of reach for many people.

If a person feels they can wait, I think some major progress is being made and that the future will be brighter as far as having factual, not anecdotal information available to us.

In view of what recently happened with Fredda Branyon at New Hope Clinic, as well as other clinics of late, patients must be VERY CAUTIOUS. It is Buyer Beware. Just because a clinic tells you that what they are doing is legal, don't bet on it. Pay as little as possible pre treatment and as close to the treatment date as possible because if a clinic is closed down, you are probably likely to lose your money. If they accept credit cards, use one.


New member
I had adipose cells 6 months ago and didn't get crap from it. I heard adipose were supposed to have the most amount of cells and I heard it worked for IPF. Didn't do anything for COPD. Don't waste your money and everyone needs to push U.S. to move faster!!


New member
Perhaps we could dedicate a thread to poll all members of this board to discuss
their individual experience with stem cell therapy. Where they went, what type,
and the percieived benefits if any. Even if your progression is arrested that has to be looked at as a benefit. If I went for treatment and could be sure that I will
not decline further I would consider the Sct a huge success.


Pioneer Founding member
I would like to see patients post more concerning their results beyond the first three months. I hear from too many that are very enthused a few days or a week after treatment, only to find that their improvements have faded a few months down the road. Patients need to be practical. Regeneration does not occur overnight.

Keep track of changes on your own in a notebook.
It will help refresh your memory and help you decide if any change has occurred and if it was worth thousands of dollars to you. It won't be scientific, but a person knows him or herself better than anyone else does.

I invite anyone that wants to post to post. In my opinion, the medication for COPD known as Daliresp in the U.S. and Daxas outside the U.S. should be the first line of defense against COPD. If that doesn't help, then consider a stem cell treatment. Therapy is very expensive and out of reach for many, however and few see much improvement with just one treatment.

I have seen NO published studies that would indicate any proven regeneration in anyone that has been treated for COPD. I am sure this applies for most other diseases as well. Most clinics are simply treating patients and sending them home. There is no pre and post data collected that is truly relevant. Many such as Bobcat indicate they haven't so much as received a phone call after treatment. I don't know if Danny did. Now in all honesty, how can efficacy be determined by that? The answer is that it can't.

We are all desperately ill and wanting a magic treatment. I guess I am even a little more spoiled. I want an increase in lung function after spending thousands of dollars. I believe that Daliresp can make that goal achievable for me. Many report 10-15% increases in lung function. This drug is now available in the U.S. as of June of this year. I only wish it had been available several years ago as I think it is the best medication I have ever been on since being diagnosed. It was hard to get used to, but now that I am over the hump, I have zero problems with it. For those that don't have COPD, have you explored alternatives for your own condition that might help you if you simply cannot afford gambling on stem cell therapy?

I am still an advocate for stem cell therapy, but it is way past the time for patients to accept testimonials and anecdotal evidence as gospel. Show me some proof of what you are claiming Doctor X and I will be very supportive. All we have now is a sales rep, doctor or researcher telling us that we are going to get millions or billions of just the right stem cells for whatever ails us. How do we know that? We don't! That is where the ICMS accreditation and registry becomes very important. If a clinic wants to be transparent and put me at ease, then they had better get in the ICMS program, initiate a legitimate clinical trial on their own or simply be honest and tell me that treatment is just a crap shoot that I am going to have to pay for whether it helps or not.

There is a lot of money at stake and companies know that. It is too easy to sell sick people on the idea of stem cell therapy. It is much harder and definitely more expensive for clinics to actually gather data on patients and track them and then actually do something with the collected data. Since patients are willing to go for treatment without any evidence that it will do them any good, there really is no incentive for clinics to change.

I truly am disillusioned and alarmed in some instances by what is happening in the industry. Patients are putting their lives on the line doing experimental treatments. Stem cell therapy is not without its risks. In return, would it be too much to ask that clinics adhere to guidelines such as the ICMS has? Is doing a study for efficacy too risky for companies? Maybe clinics don't want to know the answers that could come from such studies. If efficacy isn't proven, they risk patients not wanting to pay inflated prices for something that is most likely not going to do them that much good in the long run. That certainly would not be good for their bottom line.


Stem Cell Treatment

I received the stem cell treatment for IPF last week. I must say that my experience was really good. I had a very positive interaction with the clinic before, as well as after, the treatment. The staff were all very caring and supportive. I was informed before the treatment that there were no guarantees of the treatment.
I kept records of my sat levels as I was ask to do prior to the treatment and have compared them to now. I have begun to see some 98's ( while at rest) ...I find that amazing since I haven't seen that in a long long time...I am now able to take deep breaths without coughing...and I didn't have to use 02 on my flight home which I did use on my flight to the clinic.
My family, friends and I are very pleased with my improvement...will I continue to improve? Who knows....will I regress? Again, who knows...I am relatively new with this but I believe with all of my heart that stem cells will be the treatment in our hospitals in years to come. I also want to add that with this treatment I had hundreds of people praying for me.