Pertussis/whooping cough


New member
Monday I was dianosed with whooping cough.My lung doc said it had nothing to do with my COPD but it sure didn't help it any either.He has had me on 500mg of Azithromycin a day for 10 days. I probably caught it from some one at work, more than likely my chairside assistant. I had to give her two days and a weekend off and never dreamed that it could be pertussis. It is sure is tough on the lungs and associated body parts. I think my ribs are ever sore.
Seriously! He also has put me on acetylcysteine to stop the cells that produce mucous in my lungs. It is called mucomist.. It is a little bit risky to use at home from what I can gleen from the med brocheure. Can possibly cause a plug in the bronchial tubes or trachaea. The first time I used it I choked up pretty much and was about to call EMS when it finally broke up. I did scare me tho. I just used it again and had no bad results so if your MD wants you to use it I suggest that you use it while in the hospital or the doctor's office first to see how you are going to react. I don't think that I could talk My wife into doing a tracheotomy on me here at the house or beside the road on the way to help.Maybe I am just getting goosey now.


Pioneer Founding member

I have seen ads on TV claiming pertussis is going around more than likely from people who who never vacinated. A shame diseases that were once irradicated in the US are returning due to lax (ie non-existent) immigration regulations. But that's another story.