Inahaled Gene Therapy


Pioneer Founding member
Inhalable Form Of Gene-therapy Takes Aim At Lung Cancer And Inflammatory Lung Disease

ScienceDaily (Jun. 10, 2008) ? A new inhalable form of gene therapy -- based on technology recognized in the 2006 Nobel medicine prize, shows increasing promise for treating lung cancer, infectious diseases and inflammatory lung disease, scientists have concluded after an exhaustive review of worldwide research on the topic.
See also:
Health & Medicine

* Lung Disease
* Lung Cancer
* Gene Therapy
* Diseases and Conditions
* Cystic Fibrosis
* Genes


* Tumor suppressor gene
* Vector (biology)
* Metastasis
* Gene therapy

In the article, Sally-Ann Cryan, Niamh Durcan, and Charlotte Murphy focus on research efforts to develop an inhalable form of RNA interference (RNAi), a gene-therapy technique that interferes with or "silences" genes that make disease-causing proteins. The authors explain that RNAi has advantages over other gene therapies. It is potent, very specific, and appears to have a low risk of side effects.

They cite encouraging results with RNAi in laboratory studies in cells and animals with a range of lung diseases, including lung cancer, certain respiratory infections and inflammatory lung disease. Keys to successful therapy in humans include careful design of the gene-silencing agents, determining the most effective doses, and developing better ways of delivering RNAi agents to the lungs, the scientists say


Pioneer Founding member
This is really some exciting news I believe. Unfortunately, most of these breakthroughs (including perfecting stem cell therapy) may take years to become reality for us. I would volunteer in a heart beat if a clinical trial was available for this therapy.


New member

I applied for the trial being done in South Carolina and got as far as sending up my latest pft I got really excited but they decided my numbers were too low to qualify so I just sit by the sidelines hoping they get real good results and it is fda approved I understand they only want the ones that will tilt the results in their favor but I still hoped to get in Has anyone thought about the booster and how much it will cost just wondering


Pioneer Founding member
No booster for me

Bev - I am assuming you are meaning the Osiris trials which are not for inhaled gene therapy, but they are lung trials for COPD at any rate which is progress. Clinicals always seem to want those that are the least ill. It is just how they are constructed.

I am also assuming you are talking about the experimental booster that SCB is offering to past patients. I was not offered it, but I personally would never return there as I don't believe they are offering certification of purity for their cells and safety is my number one consideration. I also feel that there may be better therapies as far as I am concerned. At least 3 more companies will be treating for COPD soon and the prices are more in line with reality. As soon as I have definite information, I will post it on the forum.

If COPD is an autoimmune disease caused by a virus as some evidence now seems to point to, then the best thing we can do is to keep ourselves as healthy as possible and use supplements and a diet that reduces inflammation. I think we are on the cusp of some major breakthroughs in the next year.


New member

I am happy that I joined this forum. I have been communicating with Barbara, and I am very gratefuyl to her for giving me home and optimism. I really do hope that those of us suffering from lung disorders will be able to avail of effective and cheaper cures. Thank you to all for sharing your thoughts and suggestions.



Pioneer Founding member
Another 2 cents - almost long enough for 3 cents

Thanks for your kind words. I am glad you joined also. It is my hope that better, more affordable treatment will be made available for all diseases that can be helped by stem cell therapy. There are many clinics that simply are charging too much for little more than anti-aging therapies. It is up to everyone to carefully research all that you can when making the choice to get therapy. Company websites with glowing patient testimonials do little for me. Ask frankly about the failures they have had and the people who have seen very little results. If they are truthful, they will tell you. If not, either they have treated no one or they are full of it. Seek the truth, demand safety, consider what you feel is important to get from the treatment, weigh the price and by all means consult with more than one doctor or company before making any decisions. Read everything you can too about your disease so that you can ask informed questions when consulting with stem cell doctors. If we educate ourselves, we cannot fall victim to unscrupulous companies who do little but take our money. Of course, there are no long term statistics in most cases, but there should be indications of how many patients are seeing improvements and how many are not. A company should also know how many patients they have treated with your particular disease. If they are not experienced in treating your disease and you still would like to try treatment, by all means you should not be paying full price in my opinion. Why volunteer yourself and then have to pay full bore besides. Doesn't make sense to me. This is one of my 2 cents sermons and is directed to all of the forum, not just you Carmen. I get upset with how easy it is for some to relieve us of our money for so little in return.