I Have An Appointment!!!!


New member
Hello Everyone----

I Had A Great Conversation With Dr. R.-- Today--she Explained Everything To Me, Ask Me If We Had Questions, I Asked Her About The Powerlung, And She Said She Hadn't Heard Of It--would Research It--told Me To Think About It And Then Let Her Know If I Wanted The Stem Cells, I Told Her No Thinking, Sign Me Up!!!!

I Have Received The Financial Contract, From Ana----got A Nice Call From Ed---

Oct. 4th Is My Date, We Will Be Driving Down----I Went To My Dr's. Office To Have All Med. Records Faxed To Dr. R---

I'm Just A Weee Bit Excited!!!!



Pioneer Founding member
Congratulations Rose!!

This is great news Rose and your excitement is popping out of my computer screen. I can feel it and I am elated also. Dr. R. is new and probably not as familiar with pulmonary disease as Dr. F so she may not even know what a PowerLung is. Take it from us, you need one. When the doctor starts his "Ask the Doctor" category, I will make sure he covers that because it is an excellent way to build up your lungs. Even after treatment, you do have to work towards rebuilding what you have lost and all of us who have had treatment and some in the Pioneers group who haven't yet have found the PowerLung to be very useful for this purpose. That's what's good about a forum like this. The doctor can supply the technical advice and we can help you with the practical advice. A great combo if you ask me. You are going to make a very good Pioneer, I can already tell. Make sure you read the advice I gave on the antibiotic earlier. I also keep preaching about keeping your journal starting now if you will so that you will be able to see how much improvement you are going to be making. It doesn't have to be a big deal everyday, just keep it simple. Things like gasping when I tried to go shopping, in bed for 1/2 the day because I couldn't breathe, you know the nasty stuff that goes with COPD. Your post treatment entries will be things like, no SOB all day or turned my O2 down to 1lpm and it was too much. I enjoy looking back at all that stuff and comparing it to my progress now and you will too. I am very happy to have received this news from you. Barb


New member

I was nutso, today--worrying about the call, when it was over, I was excited and halfway sick too--- Hubby was laughing at me---I tried to put it off til later, so he could go hunting, but he wouldn't let me----That's ok, because I am going hunting again next year!!!!! We will be driving down--

Will start documenting everything-----


Connie Golden

New member
Looks Like a Trio of Cell Mates

You have the same appointment date as myself and Bev. Know she is from Florida and I'm from Oklahoma. It will be a great time for all of us.
All best,

Connie Golden

New member
Power Lung

Dear Rose,
Forgot to mention, I called to order my PowerLung a couple days ago. They asked me what color and I said I guessed blue or green since Barbara has a blue one and someone else spoke about green. The lady asked my why I was ordering it and I told her I had COPD. She said she would send the yellow one as she was sure I couldn't handle the blue and very doubtful about the green. The cost was a little over $100 with a supply of cleaning fluid.



Pioneer Founding member

If any of you are ordering the PowerLung and have questions like Connie did, remember the inventor is right here on this forum. He is a member, Mike Jarvis. I ordered the blue one several years ago and I wasn't able to use it because I just couldn't blow in and out of it at all. So into the closet it went. I had no clue there were ones made that weren't for athletes in training. Then, I got my stem cell treatment and started to try the thing again and also the doctor where I went recommended using a lung exercisor. Well, I want you to know, here I am 20 weeks later using the blue baby like a pro. I have it on a middle setting even, not the easiest. This thing is amazing. I didn't even know what I bought and now look at me. I am training with the athletic model! Anyway, I hope you will be faithful to your little green, yellow, orange, blue or whatever color babies because they do no good when they are in the closet. Twice a day is what most of us are doing that have been using these for awhile. I do 3 sets of ten two times a day at the minimum.


New member

Hi---I ordered the yellow one, on Amazon .com, for 67.95--forgot to order cleaner---anyway, it has been shipped, but not received---

I was checking out the Hotel last night, it is fantastic, but I am a bit concerned about walking long distances---- I did order the Inogen I from lincare--will have to pay $75.00 a week rent, but it is worth it---I get so tired lugging around the metal tanks (portable) I guess it isn't good for overnight sleeping, so will still need concentrator or something, in each room along the way---

We just signed the papers to refinance the house, so I will have the money to pay for this---

We have company for the weekend, so, i may be a bit scarse---i get online late at night too---

Can't wait to meet Bev, Connie, and our new little cells----



New member

would you please send me the info on the hotel I would love to check it out and we are probably going to get there Sunday or Monday so I need to confirm a room for the extra nights thanks Looking forward to seeing you hoping it is a little less hot over there than it is here nerve thought I would ever say I wanted cooler weather but this summer it is brutal again off subject anyway thanks again Bev in Fl


Pioneer Founding member
Wow - you ladies are awesome!!

I am so happy for you three to be going at the same time. I know it made a difference for Barb and I to share the experience and compare notes on our progress.

I can't wait to hear about your improvements on a regular basis.


Pioneer Founding member
Trouble times three

Can you believe this Jeannine? All three of these ladies off to party with stem cell cocktails on the same day. I wish I could be there. They will ask you who wants to go first, so you should decide. Jeannine and I had to have them flip a coin. I was first. I am not sure if that meant I won or lost the toss. John had his treatment today. I am sure if anyone caused a stir at the hospital, it would have been him. If any of you are good at taking pictures, I would love to have one of your group. San Diego can actually be cold, so take a jacket at least. Barbara


New member
I have an appointment, Sept.13

Hi, this is my first time to write. I have read the book and have most of the things needed to go to SD, Ca. I am going with my uncle who is getting the treatment at the same time. We both have COPD. I also received a nice phone call from Ed. Everyone seems so supportive, it really takes a lot of the fear out of going . I have had COPD for about ten years but the last four have really put me in the hospital way too many times. No one here seems to have anything else to offer and I"m not realdy to quit yet. I still have a lot of living left to do. Thanks so much for the Pioneers and for getting the word out to people who really need it.

LOL, Ruth


New member

I'm happy for you----too bad you can't join the three of us---at anyrate, I feel we are doing the right thing---

I want my life back!!!-----Rose


New member
Hotel Info

I was told we would be at the Kona Kai in San diego---all I did was type in San diego, in my search engine, then went to hotels, and typed in Kona Kai

It looks like an awsome place--just Hope it's not too hard to get around

If you can't find it, let me know I'll look it up again--or we could ask Ana for the phone number----



New member

I am not pretending to be really good at pictures but I plan to carry my camera with me I want to document the visit I will take the pictures and send them you can join us anytime you know where we will be I am sure all of us will be taking pictures of everything I have never been to Cal so this is a new experience for me hopefully I will get everyone's head in the picture and remember to move my finger away from the eye thankfully it is a digital so I will know if I messed up I saw on the web for the hotel they have high speed INTERNET I can send the pictures to you so you will see how your effort has paid off and I know you will be there in spirit Bev in Fl


New member

I too will bring my camera---will probably have my laptop, at the hotel--

Does your camera make people look thinner???? unfortunately mine doesn't---Wahhhhhhhh---LOL



Pioneer Founding member
Stem Cell Diet

All joking aside - I have now lost 15 pounds (put on because of Prednisone) on the stem cell diet and I don't even diet. I eat like a horse! I am hoping Mary Jo, Larry, Nelson, Anastasia, John, (did I forget anyone?) one of you will respond to these ladies requests to know more about the hotel. Jeannine and I are still pouting that you are going there after we got stuck in no man's land without a restaurant anywhere in sight. They didn't even allow dogs, so mine had to sneak in after dark. Maybe, the Kona Kai doesn't allow them either, but I just wanted to grumble some more about our digs.


New member
Hi Barb and Jeannine,

Interesting! Do they pay for the hotel out of the fee for the Stem cell treatment?

Looks like a super duper place to go.

How many have had this treatment so far? I may just get it to lose 15 lbs. ;)



Pioneer Founding member
Hotel costs

Nan- The company I went to included 2 nights of hotel in the cost of the treatment. I know this to be the case in Argentina also. Costa Rica does not include the hotel, but provides discounts at nearby hotels. If you have traveled a long way, it isn't a bad night to stay a few extra nights to "catch your breath" pre or post treatment. Maybe an extra day on each end if you can swing it.


New member

I was told the price included two nights stay at the hotel---It does look fantastic----guess we'll find out in October---
