This medicine is on fda fast track


Good or just ok?

Barb; As you can tell I do a lot of research because Drs. don't always. I don't know a lot about medical terms, the only thing I know for sure about this drug is that you don't build up resistance to it. The rest I really don't know a whole lot, the web site has what it does to COPD patients. What's your read? Thanks, God bless


Pioneer Founding member
jgp - You are far more in the loop than most doctors. I get discouraged though when something is always "promising" and then you look at the date of publication and it's years ago. I'm glad that the FDA has decided to fast track this because some patients are simply out of options. I just wish the FDA's definition of fast was the same as the Oxford Dictionary's definition; "moving or capable of moving at high speed". The FDA's high speed is just a little faster than what you'd see at a tortoise race.