This is an email I got from CIRM. Barbara was right, the FDA is sketchy.


New member
Dear Blue7

Thank you so much for your email.

We are a state agency and don’t do any research or offer any treatments here at CIRM, we simply fund the research. We are currently funding a number of different projects aimed at treating stroke – here’s a link – but none of those are yet ready for clinical trials where they can be tested in people.

However, I just read this article about some fascinating work taking place at Stanford University, using stem cells to treat strokes.

You might try contacting the doctor behind that work, Dr. Gary Steinberg, and see if you can find out more information about the trial and the eligibility requirements.

I do hope that is of some help.

If you like I can add you to our mailing list for updates on stroke treatments.

One of the biggest obstacles we face right now in moving even the most promising treatments out of the laboratory and into clinical trials in people is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has created an approval process that puts up numerous obstacles in front of stem cell therapies and has resulted in no stem cell treatments being approved in the last 15 years. Clearly there is a problem here. That’s why we are trying to change the way the FDA works to create a more efficient, but no less safe, approval process so we can move treatments to people much faster. Is this something you would be interested in learning more about and getting occasional updates about?


Kevin McCormack
CIRM Communications director,


Pioneer Founding member
The FDA is obstructing progress and innovation, aided and abetted by those who want to profit off the misfortune of those who are ill. CIRM has finally seen the light. They need to be VERY vocal about it. Congress can legislate changes to the onerous regulatory policies imposed by a bloated, in bed with Big Pharma, FDA.