The Shame of CBS 60 Minutes. No stem cells?


Pioneer Founding member
The 60 Minutes show was previously discussed on this forum. It was poorly done, has no merit and was undoubtedly instigated by Big Pharma. There were many pharmaceutical commercials throughout the program.

The ISSCR was also involved. Their agenda is a global FDA and they do have Big Pharma ties.

The show was so inaccurate that anyone that takes the time to read any type of scientific papers or material will know that stem cells are the holy grail of medicine right now. Why do you think billions of dollars are being poured into research? The mere fact that the program stated that stem cell therapy was snake oil and that no stem cell clinicals or treatments were available for ALS was a blatant lie. CNN just did a program on an ALS clinical study using stem cells.

Don Margolis, is evidently upset about the program and is firing people up with his comments on his site about it. It is his site and he can do as he likes, but one pathetic show meant to sensationalize, rather than give true facts, is not going to stop the world from continuing stem cell research and treatments. This includes the U.S.

You could do much to dispel these sensationalized programs and websites by joining ICMS, encouraging your friends and family to do so and posting comments on sites such as the one set up for 60 Minutes. Let them know you disapprove of the program and that you do not believe it was accurate. Learn all you can so that you are informed and not scared.