The continuing saga at Stem Cell Biotherapy


Pioneer Founding member
I am continuing to get reports of patients who have become ill after getting stem cell treatment at Stem Cell Biotherapy (SCB). I cannot vouch for any of these reports as being medically verified that the illnesses were due to the treatment they received at SCB, but I can tell you that I personally became very ill immediately after my infusion there and again a week later when I arrived home. At the time, I was told it was common to literally collapse upon infusion and that the illness I suffered when I got home was undoubtedly a bug picked up in my travels to the clinic. I have talked to many doctors and researchers since then and the reaction I had at infusion, in their opinion, is NOT anything that should be expected and was most certainly a reaction to the stem cells. Since this company refuses to certify their stem cells for purification and does not even get the story straight on where the lab is located they buy from then my conclusion has to be that I got contaminated cells. I urge anyone considering treatment at this company to think twice. Is the $25000 asking price there worth the risk to your health? Would even a free treatment there be worth risking your health? There is also growing evidence that protocols are not being followed. This may have been a problem in my own therapy as the results were not at all what the company so eagerly promised prior to my payment for the treatment. This company continues to obtain business from slick brochures, a fancy website and heavy advertising on the internet. This does not insure quality, safety or results, it only helps fuel their profits, so once again BEWARE.