Stem Cells for Autistic three year old.


New member
I just wanted to know if anyone has received stem cells from Dr. Feinerman in Peru. We are planning to go down there on May 27 with our son. Does anyone have any advice who has been to Peru? Has anyone had there autistic child treated by Dr. Feinerman? Thanks Barbara if you read this thanks for putting us in the right direction.
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Pioneer Founding member
Several members have taken their children to Peru. I hope they see this and respond. I am sure you will be in good hands.


New member
Oh te story I could tell you about our journey but to answer your question. Dr Feinerman and Dr Paino (the dr who will do the procedure) you couldn't find two doctors who care more, know more and are the best all the way around. Dr Feinerman actually started the first austisic school back in his practice days. He is a peds doctor who devoted his life to curing and now trying to eradicate this conditions that plague our kids. Dr Feinerman saved my baby. If word of mouth were the only way I would scream it from the mountaintop. I know this sounds a little over the top but I can't stress to you how going to Dr Feinerman and Dr Paino WILL change your child's life. It is the only place we will go. He backs up everything and my baby who went at 2 yrs with a global delay at 4-6 months at the time of the treatment was assessed my her therapists 2 months after the treatment at 12-19 months. I saw my baby take her first steps EVER 4 months after the treatment. She was immobile and nonverbal with no hope of ever improving and these two doctors have given us a light at the end of our tunnel. You can't go wrong!!!
Tami Milam
daughter Ava Grace had treatment in NOV 08