Stem Cell BioGenerator to Help Repair Broken Hearts


Pioneer Founding member
by EDITORS on Jan 6, 2015

NuVascular Technologies (Ashland, MA) has partnered with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and BioSurfaces, Inc. (Ashland, MA) to introduce the BioGenerator stem cell device for clinical applications. The device holds stem cells produced at Worcester from adult bone marrow cells. It can either be attached to the heart wall or injected into cardiac tissue via a catheter.

The electrospun vesicle allows stem cells within to release proteins and growth factors directly into the heart to motivate production of new myocytes. The stem cells themselves stay put and can be removed at any time by explanting the BioGenerator. The hope is that the system will serve as a functional treatment option for hearts damaged by infarcts, eclipsing many current therapies that only marginally and temporarily address the problem.

“Our nanofibrous scaffold will ensure that the therapeutic benefit provided by stem cells will be localized directly to the damaged area of the heart,” said NuVascular Technologies founder and Chief Technical Officer Matthew Phaneuf. “This scaffold will also prevent the cells from leaving the target area while permitting easy removal of the device, if required. We are confident that our devices can provide a minimally invasive, highly effective treatment for heart disease that can actually reverse the damage rather than providing a temporary solution that often comes with complications.”