Stem Cell Awareness Day ideas needed


Pioneer Founding member
I believe member Kaye suggested that there should be a Stem Cell Awareness Day. I ran this past Dr. Centeno, founder of ICMS and he liked the idea. He asked how we might implement this. My initial thought was to have ICMS make the designation of a date and then issue a press release. I think if we can involve other stem cell advocates and groups and list them in the press release, it would be a start. Does anyone else have any ideas they might want to add? I don't think it is possible to actually have physical rallies at this point, but a start would be to use the internet with all its social networking to declare a special day of awareness for stem cell therapy and research.


Pioneer Founding member
Thanks Jim for this info. Unfortunately, I don't think these groups have done a very good job as no one I know was aware of the Awareness Day planned for 9/23. I would like to see a real effort to put together advocates, researchers, doctors, politicians, etc. It's a big effort, but would be good for ICMS as well.