Stem Cell Advance Protocol

JC the Fox

New member
With all the negative things that get posted, I felt I should write about some positive results I've had with the Stem Cell Advance program, especially the last 3-4 months. Those of you who know me also know that I am a numbers man, and I'll post the results of my PFT's shortly (the VA works well for me, but it can be slow at times). However, since we each know our own bodies better than anyone else, not all subjective feelings are bad or wrong.

I started the program back in late October of last year, and have increased the number of capsules I take daily (slowly - perhaps adding one per day per month) to 6 now. My resting sats are quite good and consistent. Last week, they were either 97 or 98, taken at least an hour after any supplemental O2 and having sat for only 10 minutes. I've begun to chart my oxygen levels as I go up and down the stairs (a standard 13 step flight); starting at 98 or 99 after supplemental oxygen, I go up and down twice without O2. My O2 levels after 1 trip is averaging 97 and after 2 trips, 95. Those levels may drop further to 93/94 as I walk around, but come back up quickly to 96/97 within a minute or so.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not ready to run a marathon, or even attempt to walk around my block (which has an elevation change of over 150 feet and is approximately one mile long). However, I went to a new outlet mall the weekend before last, and I walked for nearly 15 minutes before resting. I had felt so good, I hadn't taken my small O2 tank with me. I've begun to play golf again, limiting myself to 18 holes, but riding a cart, of course. And I can practice some at the range, but I don't hit the big bucket of balls. I don't keep the O2 hooked up as I swing, but it is there if I need it.

Back in late March and early April, I got really ill - the VA doctor called it complete exhaustion. I couldn't even lift my legs to wash them when I showered; and at one point, I bent over to put food in my dog's dish, and I was unable to stand back up. My weight dropped to 120 lbs., and I could not walk from one room to another without O2.

It was about this time period that I increased my CA intake to 4 capsules per day. I did a regimen of tapering prednisone, too, but I began to improve steadily, even after I stopped taking the steroids. Now my weight is 140 lbs.; and, all kidding aside, I really do feel good.

I have been told that clubbing of the fingers is common with people who have emphysema. I know that my fingernails curved downward at the tips. Now there is a distinct line across each of my nails, and they are growing "flat", for lack of a better term, from the cuticle to that line. From what I've read, this is a sign of better oxygen flow.

I'll follow up this post with some PFT numbers, which should be within the next two weeks.



Pioneer Founding member
Thank you JC

JC - I appreciate this update very much. If I recall, at one point you felt that the protocol was not producing results. From your participation, I believe we can see that it does take time and a higher dosage than the consultant first expected. You have been invaluable in the protocol and I personally want to thank you and the others who have participated. I look forward to hearing more from you.

John Henry

New member
I like the term positive results, it implies hope. When you can could you please answer my questions?

I felt I should write about some positive results I've had with the Stem Cell Advance program, especially the last 3-4 months.

J/C can you elaborate as to what the Stem Cell Advance Program is?

I started the program back in late October of last year, and have increased the number of capsules I take daily (slowly - perhaps adding one per day per month) to 6 now.

Can you identify what capsules you are taking?

It was about this time period that I increased my CA intake to 4 capsules per day.

What is CA intake?

Please excuse my ignorance but I am new to the site and am unfamiliar with these terms.

Thank you, J/H

JC the Fox

New member
The program I am in is the Stem Cell Advance Protocol. At the top of the page is a link to SeaChange for Life. When you click it, there is a list on the left hand side. If you click Stem Cell Advance Protocol, it gives you a much better and in-depth description of what the "study" involves.

The capsules I am taking are the Cell Advance Dietary Supplements (AFA).

CA intake is the number of Cell Advance capsules that I take each day. Currently, I take 6 capsules the first thing each morning, before I take any medications or eat.

JC the Fox

New member

Due to a complex set of circumstances, I had to meet with the Pulmonology department at the VA today. Fortunately, I was able to have my PFT's performed while I was there. I won't have the actual paperwork for a week or so, but I discussed the results with the pulmonologist. Bottom line - my FEV1 is "virtually the same" as it was in August of last year. Not an improvement, but no deterioration, either.

However, I was told that my diffusion had gone from 12% to 35% !!!

I'm not sure exactly what the diffusion ratings mean, but a 200% increase is good, no matter what. And the VA scales verified that I weigh more now than I have in the past two years (and the recent weight gain has not been fat.)

The pulmonologist I met with today has only been with the VA for about 4 months, so it was the first time he had seen me. He told me that when he had met all the other vets with COPD, he knew they suffered from it just by looking at them. In my case, though, he looked at me, then looked at his paperwork, and asked, "Are you Mr. C?" When I said I was, he told me of his experience with the other vets, and said, "But you look healthy - I wouldn't have known just by looking."



Pioneer Founding member

Excellent news! I was doing rather well on the protocol until I got sick in Feb. I have been back on the Stem Cell Advance for the past 10 days and hoping to see similar results to yours.


Pioneer Founding member
J C - Your news just keeps getting better. Thank you for posting this. I remember early on in the protocol, you were not seeing much as far as visible results (weight gain, better sats, etc.) and thought maybe you would throw in the towel. The consultant has said all along that Stem Cell Advance does not offer a quick fix for anyone and that one needs to be patient. I am glad you have continued with the protocol because your input is invaluable to his research. I personally feel that this product would make a great adjunct to stem cell therapy for those that want to go route as well. I plan to continue using it as this old bod needs all the help it can get.

If you are considering joining the Stem Cell Advance treatment protocol or if you are currently enrolled, please be patient and give yourself at least 6 or more months using the dosage recommended by the consultant to see if you will have improvements to your condition. Also, by updating the consultant as he requests, you are helping him to gather the research data he needs to actually publish the study and have it reviewed by an Investigational Review Board. That's much better than just claiming something might work with no science or patient data behind it.

JC the Fox

New member
Sticking with it

You are correct. About 2 months into the program (between Christmas and New Year's), I had to go to the emergency room with COPD exacerbation. The usual anti-biotic/steroid regimen got me back to "normal" again. Then in early April I saw my evening O2 readings drop steadily; and I lost strength and I had zero stamina. When you have to be carried to the car to be taken to the hospital, you don't have that warm, fuzzy feeling about things. The usual regimen didn't get me back to normal, and I ended up doing a really heavy tapering regimen of prednisone.

At that time, I began taking 4 capsules of the CA daily, all at one time in the morning. Since then, my progress has been slow, but steady.

I firmly believe that my improvement (which is backed now by actual readings, not just my feelings) is due to Cell Advance supplements. I'd love to have had a reading of stem cell count before and after beginning the program. However, like you, I don't think that really great improvement will come with the CA supplements alone - sooner (I hope) or later, I know I need to get "real" stem cell therapy.
