simple old-fashioned aid to breathlessness


New member
Following the worst exacerbation I have ever had, I was very distressed that antibiotics, Prednisilone, Mucodyne et al were having virtually no effect on my laboured breathing and difficulty in moving. As a last resort, I mixed Olbas oil and hot water and inhaled the steam and within half an hour, my chest was actually releasing the gunk and I am now on cloud nine, air is getting in and out and I feel that the troubles of the world have left me. I am still very poorly but thank God for Olbas, now the first resort for me now.

I do hope this is available world-wide, I am sure it would be.


Pioneer Founding member
Olbas Oil

Anney - As sick as you have been, to see you able to post makes me agree that the oil you talk about is something to keep on hand. I am so glad it is helping you. Keep your head in the bowl or the bucket and keep getting better quick.


New member
Olbas Oil

Anney, Glad You Are Feeling Better, Is This Oil Available In The USA????? Sounds Like Something We Could All Use On Occasion.


New member
old fashioned aid to breathlessness

Forgot to say that if you are full of junk on your chest, removal of this can help the medications to work more efficiently. It is not a miracle cure but it sure has helped me when I felt sure I was on my last legs... My spirits lifted as soon as some air got in and out. Still struggling but not so desperately, thank God. Anney


New member
Olbas Oil

Thankfully breathlessness is not one of my many problems, but just wanted to say to my US friends, if you can't get Olbas Oil try good old fashioned Friars Balsam. Inhale the steam as with Olbas Oil. It should be available I think. It's an old remedy for lung conjestion.


Pioneer Founding member

THanks so much for sharing this information. I have a friend who has problems with congestion (she only has one lung) and I am going to buy some for her.


New member
old fashioned aid to breathlessness

I hope it works for your friend as well as it worked for me, Jeannine. I must say I was amazed, having been in despair before trying it. Not huge amounts of gunk but enough to let the air move. Continuing with it today and little by little, it is making a difference.
