SCI question?


New member

I am trying to find out if anyone has tried the stem cell therapy regarding spinal cord injuries with Dr's Braly and Ramirez. My 21 year old son has damage resulting from a car accident that has effected his bowels and bladder. Also nerve damage to 1 leg and foot. Although he can walk, the damage is severe enough that he is unable to work at this time. Any info would be appreciated.


Pioneer Founding member
I sent Dr. Braly an e-mail after you posted this asking if he could ask any sci patients that he and Dr. Ramirez have treated to join this forum and let us know how they are doing. I have not received a reply from him. I will give it a few more days before having to assume that either no one with injuries like your son has was treated by them or if they were, that the outcome was not one that produced any significant results.


New member
thanks very is such a hard decision to proceed when one has such little knowledge of success or failures for this procedure


Pioneer Founding member
I never received a reply from Dr. Braly. You might try contacting Dr. Ramirez directly. I am disappointed to have not heard back.