Researchers induce formation of new blood vessels using stem cells from bone marrow


Pioneer Founding member
This should be of interest to more than those suffering from PAD. I can think of many diseases where new blood vessels would create much improvement. Thanks for posting.

I also want to take the time to thank mysty119 (Bea) for all her hard work with ASCTA She has really been busy. A real worker Bea (pardon the pun).


New member

Cute..... thanks for the kudos, but I really believe in the ASCTA and what we are working for. You can't get something you need or want without educating others about it or just "wishing" for it. You have to get the word out and motivate!


New member
Stem cell from Bone Marrow

It is good news for all of us because it will help in many conditions.It really shows that stem cells have the power to heal .Fantastic !!
