Quantifying results with MRI


New member
Hello everyone,

I am very interested in the stem cell therapy and have read posting from some recipients of this therapy, ie Barbara. It definitely sounds promising.

Has anyone been able to quantify the results so far ? I have heard of a study called hyperpolarized helium-3 MRI. It apparently can offer quantitative measurements of regional lung ventilation. Here is an abstract from Dr Sean B. Fain from the Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA:

The noninvasive assessment of lung function using imaging is increasingly of interest for the study of lung diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Hyperpolarized gas MRI (HP MRI) has demonstrated the ability to detect changes in ventilation, perfusion, and lung microstructure that appear to be associated with both normal lung development and disease progression. The physical characteristics of HP gases and their application to MRI are presented with an emphasis on current applications. Clinical investigations using HP MRI to study asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, pediatric chronic lung disease, and lung transplant are reviewed. Recent advances in polarization, pulse sequence development for imaging with Xe-129, and prototype low magnetic field systems dedicated to lung imaging are highlighted as areas of future development for this rapidly evolving technology. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2007. ? 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Maybe this can help convince people in doubt.




Pioneer Founding member
Welcome Stephane

I did read about something that would take the doubt away as to what a person was actually suffering from. I am not sure if this was it or not. One of the problems that I feel that contributed to my COPD getting worse is that the second time I got pneumonia, the doctor didn't pick up on it for over 10 days. I do know that on my first bout of pneumonia, they couldn't pin point it with X-rays either. I was so ill that I was given an MRI to diagnosis the pneumonia. Valuable time can be lost when something like pneumonia isn't caught immediately and as I said the second bout I feel was the start of my real decline with COPD.


Pioneer Founding member

I am scheduled for PFTs on October. My last PFTs were done in Jan 2006 and again in Aug 2006 so we shall see if any changes have taken place.