ppar - very interesting to know


New member
We already know, that PPAR agonists do regenerate lungs in emphysematous mice. We posted some scientific articles about it weeks ago..
These articles were very interesting!

We already assumed, that inhalation of PPAR agonists would be an interesting approach in human too. Why only swallow pills when inhalation brings the medicine directly into the lungs.

And now, what a coincidence, there is a company that does exactly invent an inhaler which will contain some kind of a PPAR agonist. Of course they will invent their own brand name and drug name and will patent it. The are going to use it for the indication of: Asthma and anti-inflammatory use.

But will it be not wonderful to use an inhalator which does regenerate lungs at least in mice?

Here you can find that company:


(But a warning, don't crush a diabetes pill like rosiglitazione and inhale it, thats not good idea, because these pills contain additives like talcum wich is extremly bad for lung and causes fibrosis)


don't hold breath on pulmagen trials

Vancouverman; don't hold your breath waiting I've been waiting for a couple of years, first they said phase 1 trial, 2013, then 2014, now 2015. I believe ppar gamma is a big part of the answer, if interested read www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945305/ and http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojrd.2013.32006 then click ok to open on bottom of screen. after reading these I think you will believe also. I am on telmisartan for high blood pressure can't figure a way to get pioglitazone(actos) in pill to inhale without fillers also. God bless all jgp


Pioneer Founding member
Thanks to both of you for your comments. We need to follow this closely. And everyone - heed the warning about the fillers and additives.