Need feedback about stem cells overseas


New member
I am looking to hear feedback from anyone that went overseas for umbilical cord blood stem cell treatments. Specifically, with Dr. Ramirez in Mexico and Beike in China. I would like to hear pros and cons of your experience. Also, has anyone had the treatment for Spina Bifida?



Pioneer Founding member
I have had treatment with Dr. Ramirez twice through Nepsis. At this point, I am positively ecstatic. My treatment was for COPD however and it includes post treatment supplementation and additional treatment beyond just the stem cell therapy. Dr. Payne from Nepsis has been the key figure in providing an excellent protocol for post treatment. Dr. Feinerman also was instrumental in providing help for me with pre and post treatment therapies such as nebulizing glutathione. His company is Stem Cell Regen Med.