My Stem Cell Story!

Mary Jo Hunter

Pioneer Founding member
I've been so busy since I've been home frm San Diego what with making sure I have all my supplements, vitamins, Power Lug sessions, blowing in the microlife thing (which shows how horrible my numbers are!), walking on the treadmill, & going to water aerobics that I haven't taken time to figure out how to work the Forum! Seems pretty easy now that I'm here and doing it.

I had my umbilical stem cell treatment on Thursday 8/9/07. Things went smooth--the Dr. at the clinic in Mexico couldn't have been nicer-very gentle and kind. My sister went with me and we are 2 old bags around 70 having a great time. Ate at a couple of good restaurants, the hotel supplied a van to drive us around shopping and for dinner. The property where we stayed was kind of spread out and for disabled people that was a problem so the van had to come and pick me up if we wanted to go anywhere at all. The other people receiving treatment were 2 people with ALS and one with MS. So sad and such nice people. We chatted with them and the CEO of the stem cell company rode in our van and gave us a lot of information. I returned home on the 10th--San Diego to Sacramento in an hour--great. Then we drove 3 hours to where I live in Ukiah, CA. We decided if the treatment didn't work it was worth the trip for the fresh squeezed orange juice in the hospital!

Over the week-end I started getting organized to take care of myself. I want to be kind to my baby cells and treat them good with all the right food, etc. I basically felt fine just short of breath as usual. I didn't get sick and have a reaction to the treatment.

Last Tuesday night we put our garbage out to be collected and my son forgot a couple of small bags. I decided I'd walk out to the curb because the tubing on my oxygen was long enough. So I did and when I came back in my front door I realized I wasn't SOB! It was like a miracle!!! I was just regular like I'd always been my whole life before the last 11 years. I did have a couple of good years from 1999-2001 when I had lung reduction surgery--that were good but didn't last long enough. I keep waiting to be SOB but so far I haven't been. I can't tell you how jazzed I am. Even if I never got rid of the oxygen how I feel would be totally worth the treatment.

Anybody with this disease should go. Mary Jo


New member

Isn't it amazing how quickly you begin to see little improvements (actually losing the sob is a BIG improvement don't you think?) I'm so happy for you Mary Jo.


New member
Happy For You

I am so happy for you---

It is encouraging to see your story, and so soon you are getting results--keep us informed, I can't wait to get my treatment---


dale warren

New member
stem cell

My dame is dale warren, a junior pioneer, congratulation on having the stem cell treatment. I;m thinking really seriously of having it done soon, but don't know where or with whom. I live in grass valley ca. just out of sacramento I see you went to mexico. could you please send me any info on who to contact and est. price. there are four of us considering it. thanks again Dale


Pioneer Founding member

Dale - I have sent Mary Jo instructions on how to respond to your private message you sent her. I also sent you one so you should have received something from me at least. Let me know if you don't, but I think Mary Jo will be responding. Also, your book was mailed and hopefully you will find it a wealth of information. I do want to say Congratulations to Mary Jo. The other thing (and not to be a party pooper) is sometimes you experience something really terrific like no SOB and then it comes back only to be gone again a few days later. Jeannine has dubbed this Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and that is the best description I can think of. It does go away for good for the most part, but it will drive you nuts at first with the on again off again routine. It is perfectly normal so don't be upset when these things happen.


New member
My Stem Cell story

Congratulations Mary Jo. I'm talking to my husband about the stem cell treatment and he's listening. He's had COPD for about 7 years and is now just starting on the downhill slide where he needs oxygen all the time. I know this doesn't exactly follow the thread but I don't know how else to do this. Dale Warren posted a congrats to you on 8-22 and said he lives in Grass Valley, CA We live in Nevada City which is just 3 miles down the road and we'd like to be in contact with him and the others whom he says are considering. Can you tell me how to connect with dale. Thanx so much. Regine


Pioneer Founding member
HI Regine

You can communicate privately with any other member by going to the Members List (see the link on the top of the screen) and sending them a message there.

Mary Jo Hunter

Pioneer Founding member

Hi Regine:

I don't have a personal e-mail for Dale because he has never gotten back to me. Like, Jeannine wrote in the response to you--all you can do is find his name on this forum and see if he will see it and respond. I think I sent him my e-mail in a personal message. I know you guys are really close together and it would be nice to touch bases. Good luck. Let me know what happens. Mary Jo


Pioneer Founding member
Private messaging

I'm glad you responded Mary Jo because all private messages go directly to that person's e-mail via the forum, so it is not a matter of whether or not someone happens to see it here on the forum. Dale will get the private message sent directly to him. Some people choose not to have their e-mails available when they become forum members although we certainly do not use that information or give it out to anyone. Only the administrator has the e-mails of those who haven't registered them, not even the moderators, Jeannine, Larry or me have access to those. Dale may have signed up using his, but you need to contact him by going to the members list and clicking on his name and then choosing e-mail or private message. If he hasn't registered his e-mail for general use for forum members, it will tell you. You can then use the private message system or use it in the first place if you prefer. Either way, he will personally get it. To find out who has had treatment, anyone that has had it and wants this known can go to the user CP which is in the top lefthand corner (you have to be logged in) and edit their signature to show the date of treatment. This way if you are contacting someone, you can see from their posts when or if they have had therapy. I hope this helps.