my mom had a heart attack yesterday


New member
Please pray for us. My mom has a heart attack yesterday and had a stint put in late last night she is atill in ICU but will hopwfully be in step down tonight and home tomorrow. The past two years have been hell for me. First Ava's stroke and then my brother's stroke and now my mom has a heart attack. Thing is she was health as a horse it came literally out of nowhere, she lost about 30 pounds last year, eats perfect maybe a cheeseburger once a year. Stress caused this a lesson to all of us, we are caregivers and patients and as such we are stressed to the max every minute every day. we need to stop and breathe and try to destress ourselves.


Pioneer Founding member
Tami - How right you are. Stress is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. I hope your mom will be alright. I will be thinking of you.


New member
Wanted to let everyone know ... My mom is on the mend, with 55% heart strength after only 6 weeks after her heart attack. the doctors are amazed at her recovery. Thanks for everyone's prayers.