Many organizations present stem cell therapy/research in a false light.


New member
“…a physician made promises or guarantees to the patient. This is something we simply do not do in medicine because we cannot predict how a patient is going to react to anything…Therefore, in order for regenerative medicine physicians to maximize success and minimize failure for their patients, they must fully understand the difference between mesenchymal cells and pluripotent cells and prescribe them appropriately for those conditions for which such cells have the potential of improving.”


Be very aware of where you receive stem cell therapy. I know for a fact that Stem Cell of America uses healthy pluripotent stem cells, exclusively. So they are one clinic that is worth checking out if you are currently looking for treatment.


Pioneer Founding member
What a strange article considering Dr. Royal has advertised "stem cell" treatments on his website for several years and his past ventures have been quite the subject of various articles written about him. Here is just one -

Does he have ties to Stem Cell of America? The article sounds vaguely like something Henry Young would write. One of his papers is cited within the article that you posted. For me, I would not seek advice from either Royal or Young. Been there, done that and it turned out very, very badly for me.