major milestone achieved in experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia


New member
I follow the work of Bernard Thebaud, and he is one of THE leading stem cell scientists in repairing lung diseases.

And he achieved to improve Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in rats by umbilical cord stem cells. They also used it therapeutically in the injured rat-lungs, restored the lung structure. And, this treatment might also help people with asthma and damaged lung structure, he believes ! that means it could help us :)

It is a major milestone. Also he again proves that the stem cell do their work by a kind of "paracrine effects". That means, probably they dont need the stem cells itself, and only the "juice" of the stem cells would be sufficient...

Again, if anyone had a the journal , I would be happy to read the full article.

I find it also funny, that they treat those rats and animals with human umbilical-cord stem cells..


Short-term, long-term and paracrine effect of human umbilical cord-derived stem cells in lung injury prevention and repair in experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia


Background Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains a main complication of extreme prematurity and currently lacks efficient treatment. Rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) prevent lung injury in an oxygen-induced model of BPD. Human cord is an advantageous source of stem cells that is especially appealing for the treatment of neonatal diseases. The therapeutic benefit after established lung injury and long-term safety of cord-derived stem cells is unknown.


New member

It's a long road from before it's available, Years maybe many years unless the medical system is changed .