Looking For Articles on Stuff I Inadvertently Deleted from My File


New member
I've been keeping a file in my email account about stem cells, genetics, and aging, but it got inadvertently deleted, and I'm trying to retrieve as much of the old information that I can; I'm going to list some of the topics of my deleted article, and hope you may fill in the blanks.

There's one where some mice with Parkinson's, or some other degenerative nerve disease, were injected with abult nerve stem cells from donors, and yet their nervous system still got benefits, despite their immune systems kicking in. They found a growth factor out of it, and I want to add it to my records.

Also, as I recall, there was one about prematurely aged mice, who got their their telomeres lengthened via a reformed virus, and not only did they start looking younger, their old brains started gaining (good, I take it) mass.

There needs to be more research, on telomeres if you ask me; stem cells get all the funding, but with out mastering the biological clock, stemcels will have their limits, as well. There's still debate on this, I hear, but the evidence just seems to keep growing that the single greatest aging factor is the length of our telomeres. They really need to create a chemical bath to lengthen cells' lives, then develop an injectable solution to promote youth that way. Yes, you'd have to keep taking it, but it could probably be years between treatments.

There any telomere research, to this end? (Hm...don't have priviliges to look through the articles database, or I would have.)
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