Is this the begining of the FDA and Big Pharma turning our own stem cells into drugs?


Pioneer Founding member
No. What Biologics is doing is coordinating and managing inventory of Neupogen (G-CSF). This is used routinely by many clinics pre-treatment. I had a series of 5 injections of it over a 5 day period before my last treatment. It must be kept very cold (I keep mine in the freezer when I use it) and this company sounds like they have found a niche to supply and coordinate the delivery of about 200 shipments per month of the product which should keep them busy.


Super Moderator
No. What Biologics is doing is coordinating and managing inventory of Neupogen (G-CSF). This is used routinely by many clinics pre-treatment. I had a series of 5 injections of it over a 5 day period before my last treatment. It must be kept very cold (I keep mine in the freezer when I use it) and this company sounds like they have found a niche to supply and coordinate the delivery of about 200 shipments per month of the product which should keep them busy.
Was Mozobil added to the Neupogen you used?
Just wondering, since I had previously seen this article:

I sure wish that I had used some of these injections before my autologous treatments.


Pioneer Founding member
I checked the box and it is made by Merck in Italy. I can't see anything that remotely looks like the word Mozobil however. I don't read Italian, but I think I could figure it out if it was an ingredient.

I have had G-CSF administered on my last 3 treatments. I am told it is somewhat costly so perhaps some doctors don't use it for that reason, however, with what is being charged for stem cell treatments, I think it should be included. This would be a good question for people to ask when researching treatment options.