Informative video


Pioneer Founding member
Thanks to Dr. Payne

This 2 minute video ably introduces the basic concepts related to transforming adult body or somatic cells like skin or liver cells to stem cells that are fully pluripotent (Equal to embryonic in terms of plasticity or ability to become multiple cell types) - Our lab team at Weller did this without using viral vectors. As a result, these iPS are safer than any other induced pluripotent stem cell in existence. Also, they will be ready for human use shortly abroad -- clinical research application in persons with terminal or intractable conditions (Which cannot be said of all other iPS).


New member
Stem Cell Programme on BBC Thurs

Thought some of you might be interested in a BBC programme which was on last night (Irish time!) They were investigating some of the effects of SC treatments and asking if the placebo effect came into play. Hah!
Try this link,
If the link doesn't work try going to and follow the links to BBC1, the click on Thursday. The programe is called "Superdoctors"
Best wishes,


Pioneer Founding member
To some extent, I think it could play a small part. If you feel that you are going to get better, it can't help but mentally make you more positive as to the outcome of your therapy. I would argue that it can only play a small part as there are too many astounding changes sometimes that cannot just be a placebo effect. I'm glad to see you posting. I have missed you.


New member
BBC one

I went to the site and it wouldn't show me anything further back then today. I entered "Super Doctors" into the search area and came up with nothing. Oh well......


New member
BBC programme

Sorry everyone, the link doesn't appear to work. I tried going to the site again but their archive only goes back one day. Strange!
I didn't see the entire programme, just hit on it mid way through the programme. Basically it showed a doctor following one man's journey to Frankfurt in Germany for SC treatment for heart disease. He got autologous cells. When tested 6 weeks later back in the UK his heart was in worse condition but he felt better. He was convinced the cells helped him and was going back for more. The doctor was skeptical!
Barbara, thanks for the welcome back, nice to be missed!!
As you know my experience of SC therapy was less than satisfactory, so didn't feel like posting for a while.


Pioneer Founding member
That is a strange case if his heart got worse and yet he felt better. There have been significant improvements in some cardiac cases, but not in others. There are certainly no guarantees. Anne, I do remember that you actually felt worse after treatment and I think your input on this forum has been valuable because this can and does happen. You are proof of that. Are you considering any other treatments at this time or have you made any inroads as to anything else that can be done to help you?


New member
Barbara, re BBC programme

I think they really set out to show that SC treatment was still unproven for heart disease, and the programme was skewed in that direction. The man they followed seemed to feel benefit and they did some tests on his heart to prove that it was the "placebo effect". The fact that he was going back for more treatment must mean something, but you know how programmes like this can skew evidence of they set out to do so.
Me?? Well of course I'm still pursuing treatment and will never give up. I'm especially driven because my daughter is also ill. We've found a very good specialist in another country who can help us, not with SC tho! We need long term antibiotics for our disease and I'm in the process of sorting out the funding.
Thanks for asking!


New member
The video worked well for me...It answered a few questions I had about the science behind stem cells. Thanks for the link!