In honor of a true physican


New member
This is dedicated to Dr Burton Feinerman.

For all the questions you answered over and over, I thank you.
For the compassion and geniune concern you have shown not just for my child but for my family too, I thank you.
For your endless time in research and determination to help us all, I thank you.
For giving us hope when there was none to be found, I thank you.
For keeping our dreams alive for our children and ourselves, I thank you.
For being the type of man we entrust our children and our lives to, I thank you.
For your support and guidance in the most scariest time in our lives, I thank you.
For being a true physician and not having the God complex, I thank you.
For treating the caregivers as intelligent and educated people, I thank you.

Dr Burton Feinerman thank you for fighting for us against diseases that steal our children, our parents, our lives. Your dedication and true compassion has earned you a very special place in the hearts of the people you have helped and saved.


Pioneer Founding member
Tami - This is very nice. I hope he sees it. Dr. Feinerman has always been very helpful on this forum and has taken the helm of the Ask the Doctor forum twice I believe. I hope to have him host again in the near future.


Pioneer Founding member

On a Saturday night last April when I was pretty sick and my own doctor told me to go to the emergency room even though I was too sick to get dressed. It was Dr F who took the time to listen to wha was wrong and even phoned in prescriptions to my NH pharmacy from Hawaii at 9 pm on a Saturday night. I believe he did the same for Barb. I will never forget his caring and kindness when no one else cared.


Pioneer Founding member
Jeannine - Time is flying! It wasn't last April that we were so sick, it was April of 2007, but you are right, he was very kind to us.