Im a new member getting ready for treatment.


New member
I am getting closer to finally going thru with stem cell treatment in Peru with Dr. Feinerman, I am very nervous about it, but I feel I have no other choice. Because of the regulations in the US, and our adolescent approach on research and clinical trials people like me have to go and find someone, or something that offers hope. I suffered a closed head injury around 9 years ago, and it seems with time I get worse my motor skills have declined, and my vision seems to get more impaired, and short term memory seems to get worse. So anyway I am very hopeful that Dr. Feinerman will be able to help me. I will post later and tell everyone when my treatmen is scheduled, and I will do a follow up to let everyone know if my symptoms have improved.

god bless everyone.



Pioneer Founding member
Chad - Welcome to the forum. I wish you the very best also. I hope you have joined ASCTA. If not, go to the subforum here on this forum and please do so. This is the first step in our quest to legalize treatment and each and everyone of us can participate to make it happen. I hope we will hear from you soon concerning your treatment. We all do what we have to do, but you are absolutely right, we should not have to travel overseas to get treatment for our conditions.

Ed in NH

New member
Welcome Chad:

You really are a pioneer. I am trying to convince my family to give stem cell treatment a shot for a family member with Alzheimer's.

I am very curious to hear from you how Dr. Finnerman believes his treatment will cross the blood brain barrier. Will this be a direct infusion into the brain?

Best of luck with your treatment, and please do share with us your experience.


healing heart

New member
The best of luck to you. Our prayers will be with you. I had stem cell therapy done for my heart the end of Sept. Sending healing thoughts to you.


New member
My Therapy

Thanks to all of you for your support, my headaches have declined which is a great change in my life. However the other symptoms have not yet been relieved. I am going to follow thru with another treatment and hoping that should bring out more desired results. I do feel better, but I think there is still more progress to be made. This truly is the medicine of the future, and I hope that everyone on here finds relief and hope in that, can I honestly say the procedure worked, YES. However, I am not cured, but the potential is definetly there. I will follow up with everyone on here when I schedule my next appointment to Peru. God bless everyone on here and keep hope alive, someday we will be able to do this here in the USA and everyone should find solace that in someday we will all feel better.

Merry Christmas,

Chad Hammonds