I wonder how much costs prochymal ? Off-Label use


New member
Now that in canada the worlds first stem cell product is approved, I wonder how much does one bag of this product cost? On the internet there are already pictures of these Prochymal intravenous bags filled with stem cells.

But I can not find any information about the price of that product online. Do you have any Idea ?

Of course, that product is only available to clinics and doctors in Canada, but I think it would be possible to buy it in canada from the producer as a doctor, and prescribe it off-label for COPD etc..

What do you think?

I wonder, would it be cheaper than "regular" bone marrow stem cell extraction and treatment, like you barbara and others already received?

best greetings,

JC the Fox

New member
Cost is irrelevant. Prochymal has already been proven to be ineffective for COPD. But, those with Crohn's disease or other maladies might be interested.


New member
Yes JC, you are right, I heard the same news...

But according to their website, their COPD trial is still ongoing and in phase 2.

I think it depends on the endpoints of the study. It probably does not improve FEV1 and therefore is useless for "COPD". But it could be effective for reducing pulmonary hypertension or right heart hypertrophy which COPD-patients also suffer frequently from. For example to increase the capillary network in the lung and eventually reduce right heart strain.

That's why for me cost is still relevant, so to say :)


Pioneer Founding member
I was on a LinkedIn discussion site not too long ago and recall a comment by someone who stated that it was so costly that it might be prohibitive to most.

I can't remember which group the discussion was taking place in, so I am not sure if the person making the comment was someone who was privy to such information or if they were just speculating. I cannot imagine however, that it will be cheap.


New member
thanks barbara

I am now sending emails to osiris, to find out the price in canada.

bye the way, interesting fact that I found out on the internet:

Prochymal is now approved in Canada and New Zealand, and is currently available in seven other countries including the United States under an Expanded Access Program.


New member
PROCHYMAL COPD study results - newly published in chest


I found a recent research paper where they used PROCHYMAL stem cells for COPD. They used 4 injections. And yes it did not improve COPD at all, as we already know. It also did not improve FEV1 and other pulmonary function.

The access to the research paper costs 15 $. So if anyone of you is interested, buy it, and tell us more. I would be very very happy to get more information.

I think there are a huge variety of other stem cell products coming in the future. Probably we need IPS stem cells or progenitor stem cells of the lung. Probably they must be autologue.

At least prochymal is safe, and they say that they are doing more studies with prochymal in the future...

A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trial of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Daniel J. Weiss, MD PhD; Richard Casaburi, PhD, MD; Robin Flannery; Michelle LeRoux-Williams, PhD; Donald P. Tashkin, MD
Author and Funding Information
CHEST. 2012 doi:10.1378/chest.12-2094 Text Size: A A A

Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a devastating disease affecting millions worldwide. As disease pathogenesis includes both chronic pulmonary and systemic inflammation, anti-inflammatory effects of systemically administered mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may decrease inflammation resulting in improved lung function and quality of life. The goal of this study was to assess safety and to perform initial evaluation of potential efficacy of systemic MSC administration to patients with moderate-severe COPD.

Methods Sixty-two patients at six sites were randomized to double-blinded intravenous infusions of either allogeneic MSCs (Prochymal®, Osiris Therapeutics


Weiss Publishes Results of Stem Cell Therapy in COPD Trial in CHEST