How can we set up a COPD - stem cell company ourself ?


New member
I am wondering, Why not could we set up a stem cell company ourself ? I have no idea how difficult this is in the USA, I always thought there are a lot of venture capital lending banks. Or setting up a stock company without any risk. Wouldn't be it easy ? I have no clue. And doing stem cell research for emphysema ? And bringing it to the US markets ?

I mean:
Now there is i an Israelian company with 40 Million $ cash (Pluristem) and they are bringing placental stem cells to the market very soon. Their indication for treatment will be: Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pulmonary Hypertension, and other non-lung diseases like ischemia diseases . In Animal studies their placental stem cells reduces 70% of the pulmonary fibrosis-lesions in the lungs.

What they say is, that they will bring their products in about 5 years to the market. I dont know if this information is reliable, but at least they are doing research.

There is also Medipost in Korea, doing trials right now on bronchopulmonary displasia. They are using also stem cells. Of course their stocks already quadrupled in the last months !!!

If I only we could do something like that as well. But of course we would go for emphysema or COPD indication.

What do you say ?

best greetings.
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Pioneer Founding member
I don't think easy is exactly the term I would use. More power to anyone that wants to try however.