Hearing Loss


Hi, my first time on this forum - well first time putting a post. Just firstly wanna say a great thanks to Barbara, who has been verey helpful - your a gem.

My daughter - 2 years old, has had a sudden hearing loss. She was not born like it - it just happened in last 4 months. The ABR was bad - around 85DBHL billaterally. But she had clear working Cochlear Microphonics - her cochlear is perfect. So the Medical Doctors wanted to do a MRI Scan to see if there could be a cist,tumor etc. But The MRI Scan came back all clear. Her brain, nerves, cochlear, semi-circular canals all perfect. This has left my Medical Doctor (ENT Professor) confused and unable to diagnose her as he does not know what is wrong and where the problem is. He is the best Doctor in our district/city. He said it could be gene mutation, could be auditory neuropathy, sensineural hearing loss - other other factors. But there is nothing to show what it is. We are paying to see another person who is supposidly the best man within a 100 mile area. We are also doing a genetic test.

My quesion is, does anyone have the same problem?? Or does anyone know what could be wrong with my daughter??? Anyone have any input/help.

Or is there anyone who could help me that you could recommend. Can stem cells help my daughter?? Has anyone had positive results from stem cells??

Your input would be appreciated.
