Has anyone else read this story?


New member
I just found this story by accident and wondered if anyone else had read it or even contacted this man about the stemcell therapy his wife has had. This is the website www.henrywm.com/ I then clicked on our story which then tells of his wife having a massive stroke and he talks about all the different treatments she had to help her recovery. Right at the end he says that she had stemcell treatment in mexico but doesnt say that it was helpful or not. Then she has a dream that she needs to go to china for stemcells so her husband takes her and she holds the worlds record for having the most stemcells injected she had umbical cord stemcells and says they were miraculous. I would like to contact him and wondered if anyone else has.


Pioneer Founding member
I've never heard of him or the story. Umbilical cords yield very few stem cells in comparison to other places they can be extracted from so I guess she was having a dream.


New member
Barbara I have explained wrong if you scroll down to the bottom of the page after clicking on OUR STORY he describes her Stemcell treatments the first one was in Mexico she had IV drip only and paid ten thousand dollars for it and after that her husband takes her to China where they administer umbical cord blood stemcells via lumbar punctures and iv. He explains every thing and all the things she recovers from the treatment then says the Stemcell treatment was miraculous. It was no dream she actually has treatment. At the begining of the story she has HBOT with David Steenblock and then Vision Therapy with Dr Barth Green. This Story needs to be read because it seems that the main thing that gave her the most recovery was all the Stemcell treatments she had in a hospital in China. www.henrywm.com/



Pioneer Founding member
That is wonderful for her. Unfortunately, stories like these are not helpful in the long run because there is only anecdotal evidence and no scientific evidence involved. In other words, because she responded so well, without studies that would have others in her same condition under the same circumstances getting the same treatment(s), there is no evidence that it would work on someone else. It may also be that the cumulative treatments helped her in the long run. No one will ever know at this point.
Nevertheless, it is always good to hear of someone who does so well with treatment (s).