Going for 2nd stem cell treatment


New member
Well, we have the date set. Frank is going for his second stem cell treatment on January 25th, 2010 to Lima Peru.

We are so excited.


New member
The treatment is over a 3-day period. Frank will receive umbilical cord stemcells as well as stem cells taken from his blood.

Day 1: he will get umbilical cord stem cells into the spinal cord
Day 2: he will get his own stem cells via IV
Day 3: he will get another round of umbilical cord stem cells into the spinal cord

I talked to several doctors; narrowed it down to two. In the end we thought that Dr. Feinerman was the best choice for Frank at present.

Our main concern with going to Peru was the time that Frank would have to sit in an airplane seat (since he needs to be repositioned every so often). Dr. Feinerman suggested to break up the trip - stop in Miami, stay overnight at the airport hotel and then continue the next day. And this is exactly what we are going to do.

Dr. Feinerman even offered to meet us at the airport in Miami to help us getting from the plane to the hotel. I can't wait to meet him; he seems like a very fine man.

We'll keep you updated.


Pioneer Founding member
Dr. Feinerman is a very nice man. I wish Frank the very best with his treatment.
Sounds like a good plan to take the break in Miami.