Endobronchial Valve for Emphysema


New member
Endobronchial Valves to Reduce Lung Hyperinflation

A very informative Video about valves for emphysema in english !

I am seriously considering getting valves...

Has anyone of you considered getting valves? It seems to improve even the DLCO and reduces the RV (=hyperinflation). I have too much RV.
Even the x-ray does improve dramatically..
People get their exercise capacity back - thats exactly what I need too

How much does it cost - if you pay yourself?
how much does it cost in turkey or ukraine? I live only 400 miles away from Ukraine.



Pioneer Founding member

IN 2006 I went to Boston for testing to see if I could see improvements with valves. I was found to be a good candidate at the time but I wasn't ready to deal with all the testing and the 2 hour ride each way at that time.

I asked my pulmonary doctor to inquire about it last Winter and they have stopped their use in the US and I don't know why.

barb s

New member

It seems to me that I read somewhere that there were problems with scar tissue forming around the valves, and infection, but It has been a while since I read about it so I can't say for sure that I am remembering accurately!


New member
If interested, see my previous post concerning the valves where is abundant info (including contacts). My mother was the first one to get it in Czech Republic some 4 years ago. (nowadays, there is a new generation of valves available)
After the endoscopic surgery, there was a great frustration both to the patient and the doctor. However, after a year or two, a rapid and substantial improvement set in. Later the doctor told us that by the mean time, it had come out that this space of time is necessary for the lungs to learn to breathe with the valves (at the time of surgery, this fact was not known yet)...


New member

the progress of the disease has been stopped. Before the valves, she was not able to come over from one room to the other. Now she can - slowly - walk up to a moderate slope for some 200 m. (but she is still afraid to do this although she has the possibility to be picked up by my in the car...)