Easy-Bake Oven more important than access to our own stem cells?


Pioneer Founding member
The major newspaper in Denver ran a story yesterday about a 13 year old girl who was upset because a play oven that her 4 year old brother wanted for Christmas didn't have a picture of a boy on the box and the oven only came in purple and pink. Within a week she got 30,000 signatures to send to the company asking that they quit marketing the oven just to girls. I was dumb stuck that 30,000 people thought the issue was so important (especially considering how many kids get nothing for Christmas) that they would be motivated to sign it. On the other hand, an issue that means life or death for some people and rarely gets media attention has garnered only a little over 700 signatures since Dec. 5. I honestly do not have an answer for such apathy.



New member
I think the reason for such apathy is that people understand what an Easy-Bake Oven is but don't really know anything about stem cells. They don't hear much other than bad news from the news media and don't know about how many lives could be saved and how much money could be saved.