Do you agree with Dr. Prentice or disagree?


New member

I do agree with the doctor in that adult stem cell therapy seems to have an impressive track record so far, while embryonic stem cell therapy seems to have had zero application success...(I may be wrong in the latter assumption...).



Super Moderator
It would be nice to know how other members feel about what Dr. Prentice says.

I am probably in the minority here, but I disagree.
How is it possible to know what is valid, and what is a waste when it comes
to stem cells? Adult stem cells may be the way to go, and they may be the
very best way, but we simply do not know yet. More knowledge has to be
obtained. I believe that there are key scientific discoveries that will be made,
that have not as yet been made.

I am not a believer that stem cells will be the cure for all illnesses, but believe
that they will help with many medical problems.

Now, let me temper that with saying that I think that we should be completely free to make use of our own
autologous cells in the meantime.

But again, I don't think that everything that will be known about them is known now,
not by any stretch of the imagination.

To cut off embryonic cell research for his reasons is wrong.

I believe in real science, to the extent that real science can prosper
in a proper scientific environment, not in the manner that it is being
controlled today.
Dr. Prentice's statement on federal funding.

I agree with him. I am not so sure that Obama is pursuing a political ideology as much as he is rubberstamping something that he thinks is good for people. This is exactly the problem. The big pharma researchers have done a very good job in framing the debate as embryonbic stem cell research is needed to help people like with incurable diseases and the religous community as responded in kind with opposing stem cell research. So what most people think is that stem cells research is by its very nature ESC research. I believe that the inertia that the FDA has shown towards authorizing adult stem cell clinical trials and research in this country is wrong. The progress that has occurred in adult stem cell research and clinical studies outside of this country without federal funding is astounding. The rate of progress with federal funds might very well eclipse the public interest in ESC which is what the research establishment does not want. The emphasis should be on adult stem cells, including federal funding. Embryonic Stem Cell research should be allowed to die on the vine.
David Snow

I agree completely. While I believe research should be done on all types of stem cells, I don't believe enough research money is being spent on adult stem cells in the US. I think too much of a fuss is being made (I've seen 25 articles about this in the last three days) about the release of a few more embryonic stem cell lines that to date haven't proven to cure anything while adult stem cells have been funded by governments of other countries and by private research here in the US.


Super Moderator
...Embryonic Stem Cell research should be allowed to die on the vine.
David Snow
With attitudes like this, we would have millions of people with Polio and other illnesses that have been cured. We have no idea what future embryonic cell research will bring, because the research has not been done. All the hangups are over moral issues surrounding them.

As I pointed out, I am all for adult stem cell advancement, but there are still issues to iron out when the usage is beyond raw marrow.

We can't establish scientific and clinical standards based on treatments that have been done around the world in stem cell clinics - there is too much fraud and greed involved to know which ones are valid.

Real discovery still has to take place, it can not be forced.


Pioneer Founding member
I am happy to see some discussion going on this subject. Thank you. I hope others will continue to add responses.
With attitudes like this, we would have millions of people with Polio and other illnesses that have been cured. We have no idea what future embryonic cell research will bring, because the research has not been done. All the hangups are over moral issues surrounding them.

As I pointed out, I am all for adult stem cell advancement, but there are still issues to iron out when the usage is beyond raw marrow.

We can't establish scientific and clinical standards based on treatments that have been done around the world in stem cell clinics - there is too much fraud and greed involved to know which ones are valid.

Real discovery still has to take place, it can not be forced.

*emphasis underline mine*

I am glad the moral dimension is part of the discussion.
Lack of same, has caused many problems over the years.
Morality is one of the few things in the veneer of civilization we enjoy that helps curb the drive for expedience at all costs that is also humanity's first impulse.
Ignoring morality has contributed to some of the ugliest incidents in world history.

Whether or not an emergency room must provide treatment to anyone regardless of their legal status or ability is also a moral question.
Were morality out of that equation, count on treatment refusal as the norm for any illegal alien or prospective patient without insurance.
Moral, ethical and safe.

Thanks for your response. My son has received 5 stem cell treatments over the last 6 years. If the stem cells originated from 'stolen' life we would not have allowed him to receive a single transplant. He was allowed to remain with us based on God's will. The hospital said put him in a hospice after they damaged his brain. We had to sign a DNR to get him off of the machines and out of the hospital. Hold Fast to what is good is what a Pastor of mine used to always say. Adult stem cells are good!
Best Regards,
Dave Snow