Did I hear right?


New member
Prior to the Super Bowl tonight they were talking about Hines Ward injury to his leg. They said they took his blood, spun it down, processed it and reinjected it to the effected area. What does that sound like?? Why can atheletes get this done in the USA and I had to go to the Dominican Republic???????????? Did anyone else catch that prior to the game?



Pioneer Founding member
My husband mentioned it to me. Regenexx works with athletes in this very way. The reason you had to leave the country is that anything beyond simple autologous stem cell treatment, except in a clinical trial, is not legal in the U.S. The FDA is protecting us, don't you know? For those of us that would rather try to save our lives than be "protected" we have to go to extremes to do it, don't we? www.stopfda.com