Cranberry Juice Each Day Keeps Disease Risk at Bay


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Laboratory Equipment
Seth Augenstein, Digital Reporter

Two glasses of cranberry juice a day might keep some disease away, according to a new study.

Two glasses of low-calorie cranberry juice a day improved several risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers wrote in a study published recently in the journal Nutrition.

The juice improved disease risk factors including circulating triglycerides, serum-C Reactive proteins, glucose and insulin resistance and diastolic blood pressure, they found.

The group of 56 adults were provided with eight weeks of meals – but half the group received the juice, and the other drank a placebo beverage.

Ocean Spray, the maker of cranberry juice, quickly touted the results – and pointed to natural compounds called polyphenols.

“All of these measurements come together to tell a story,” said Christina Khoo, the director of research sciences for the company. “These findings suggest that polyphenols help to protect our bodies, and may be adept at keeping a large number of ailments at bay.”

Two other recent studies based on data from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found those who regularly drink cranberry juice have a normal weight, smaller waists and healthier hearts.


New member
Yes this is true with drinking cranberry juices each day we prevent from many diseases in life. Just like heart attack, blood pressure and sugar are most dangerous diseases of our life and we reduce them from using this kind of technique.
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