Colorado clinic


New member

Do you have any contact info for the Colorado clinic?

A friend of mine suffers from bone deterioration to her spine. She has had surgery twice a couple of years back, but is still in a lot of pain.

I thought this might be an option for her.




Pioneer Founding member
I don't have any information that would be different from their website. A few months ago, they excitedly contacted me and wanted to do a sponsor ad and have me come visit their new clinic. I said I would and they had Jeannine design the sponsor link. They wanted me to wait until they were moved in on June 30 and I said fine. Then suddenly, I heard no more and neither did Jeannine. I thought this was very odd to say the least.I tried contacting them several times to no avail. Not even a no thank you or we have changed our mind. I do know that they are moving up in the world, bigger facility, treating more sports figures, etc. Dr. Steenblock in California contacted them and asked if he could possibly work with them as they were wanting to branch out so to speak. He was told that he would need to have at least 10 years of experience to be able to do what they were doing and yet he is already doing the same treatment. All of this is very strange to me. Perhaps, your friend should contact Dr. Steenblock too and not be limited to a clinic that seems to run hot and cold. Just my thoughts.........................