Cellulogix International/formerly Stem Cell Biotherapy complaint


Pioneer Founding member
Peggy - There are a lot of us that care!

Posted for Peggy. She has posted this on the Cellulogix International (formerly Stem Cell Biotherapy) blog. Someone sent it to me and I then asked her if she wanted it posted. Her reply to me:

Yes, you have my permission to repost. I was hoping that there was still someone out there in the world that wants to help the sick and misled people and stand up to the greedy con artists of the medical industry.
I'm open for suggestions on a proven path of help with MS.
Thanks again.

Her post:

I went to your clinic in Mexico last June(2008). After the strict diet and all the vitamins over 6 months NOTHING has changed !We were very fortunate that my in-laws helped us and paid the $25,000 for your stem-cell "treatment". I feel as though you have ripped us off in a big way and no one has tried to contact me, to follow up on my condition !What kind of company are you running? Did you just inject me with a placebo or what ? We all were promised so much hope for great results and yet nothing positive has happened. I will be sure to tell other MS patients to avoid your clinics.We actually thought there could be a place somewhere that was still honest and wanted to help people rather than steal from them ! I guess we were wrong.
CONTACTINFO: royboyskinsfan@verizon.net