Australia's research policies


Pioneer Founding member
I thought it was interesting to read about Australia's policies on stem cell research. In a poll taken in 2006, 82% of Australians were in favor of embryonic stem cell research.

Australian Stem Cell Centre

Today, much of the research in Australia on stem cells is directed through the Australian Stem Cell Centre, a Biotechnology Centre of Excellence established by the Federal Government in 2003. This centre brings together stem cell researchers from around Australia.
The Law and Stem Cell Research in Australia

Laws which regulate stem cell research differ markedly from country to country. There is particular variation in the ethical values and hence the laws governing embryonic stem cell use and derivation.

In Australia, there is a piece of legislation covering stem cell research and cloning. This is the Regulation of Human Embryo Research Amendment Act 2006.

The various States and Territories of Australia have their own legislation regulating the use of embryos in research, which seeks to be consistent with the Commonwealth legislation.

There is no legislative framework regulating the use of human stem cells (embryonic or adult) after they have been derived. However, the use of human stem cell lines in research must comply with relevant National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) guidelines.

When using human embryos for research, scientists must obtain a licence from the NH&MRC.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia is developing a national regulatory framework for human tissues and emerging biological therapies.