Assisted Suicide replyV This shouldn't be a an issue for the FDA , They've already ap


New member
This shouldn't be a an issue for the FDA , They've already approved drugs on the market that are killing people ; I think the estimate is about 80,000 deaths a year. If given FDA approval it should make Medicare happy, It would be a cost savings if people choose to give up waiting for treatment that never comes and end their life .

Many people die waiting and trying to gain access to experimental
treatments and trials.

The people that have a diagnosis of "TERMINAL" search in desperation for a hope only to be told time after time that the trial is closed or you don't qualify; Drugs and treatments in research are off limits for almost everyone.
I will never understand the meaning of side effects when told a drug or treatment will have to go through FDA approved trials to see if there any side effects and long term side effects when told to someone diagnosed as
"TERMINAL", It just blows my mind !!!.
I happen to be one of the TERMINAL patients !

I have TERMINAL cancer and unless I can get access to one of the drugs or treatments I know are in trials or research then I will die. I have some of the initial studies and have been in contact with several universities on this but they can only go by the law and tell me (sorry) . I'm not sure how much time I have , I've lost 25lbs but am now stable with the weight. OH! the COPD is part of the reason for some of the treatment denials but there are other treatments that just might give me a needed stay and still others that might offer a cure.
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Pioneer Founding member
I agree that it shouldn't be an issue for the FDA. There are plenty of toxic drugs they have approved to go around.

I sincerely hope that you access the drugs or treatments you want to try. I hope your doctor has some connections as that most certainly could help. Are any of the drugs or treatments available outside the U.S.?


New member
cancer cures

Here is just one of 6 I'm trying to get on but so far no luck;

This is where I'm being treated for my cancer which is scraping the bladder every 3-4 months.


Scientists discover how to 'switch off' cancer: Remarkable breakthrough means diseased cells can be made healthy again

Florida researchers made cancerous breast and bladder cells benign again
Now believe many other types of cancer should be in their grasp
Say the discovery provides the code, or software, for turning off cancer

Published: 11:24 EST, 24 August 2015 | Updated: 16:58 EST, 24 August 2015

Scientists have found a code for turning off cancer, it was announced today.

In exciting experiments, they made cancerous breast and bladder cells benign again.

And they believe many other types of cancer should be in their grasp.

They said that their work reveals ‘an unexpected new biology that provides the code, the software for turning off cancer’.

Most importantly, it uncovers ‘a new strategy for cancer therapy’.

In landmark research, Mayo Clinic scientists made cancerous cells benign again. And they believe many other types of cancer should be in their grasp

In landmark research, Mayo Clinic scientists made cancerous cells benign again. And they believe many other types of cancer should be in their grasp

Despite advances in medicine, cancer kills more than 150,000 Britons each year and ruins the lives of many more.

The work is still at an early stage but brings with it hope that cancer will take fewer lives in the future.

Unlike conventional cancer drugs, which work by killing cancer, the US work aims to disarm it and render them harmless.

The breakthrough focuses on a protein called PLEKHA7 that helps healthy cells clump together.


Pioneer Founding member
They are treating you by scraping your bladder, but won't let you in the clinical trial?


New member


After eliminating all possible standard treatments for me I/E
(Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy ).

all they can do is scrape the new cancer growth about every 3 months ; This will just buy some time for me hoping something will open up . It's really not considered a treatment.
He said as soon as it metastasized if it hasn't already he would take a chance with an immune drug (NEW), but this drug kills about 20% of the patients by the immune system attacking the person; also the immune system may attack the LUNGS and destroy much needed tissue.

The treatment I posted in my prior post about turning cancer cells back to normal is in research which means it is off limits for everyone; Only after the first stage for safety is complete will it be available for trials.

Dead man walking !


Pioneer Founding member
So your doctor will try the immune therapy (with your consent of course) if that seems the only option? Do they have anything that you can take in conjunction with such therapy to help prevent the immune system from attacking? I am thinking along the lines of supplements, herbals or other types of therapies that might help. I know you do your research so if there is, I'm sure you will find it. You are an exceptional person and I believe that if you need this therapy, that you will be in the 80%.