An interesting URL on MS Treatment Attempt in Costa Rica


New member
Having to Travel Outside ConUS


My take on this is that the current situation is quite monstrous. If one steps back a bit to get an overview, it's a very ugly example of how well-meant intentions can become twisted & perverted into an endless series of attempts to simply force people into inevitably dying...

Sorry to go into a rant; I can only try to imagine how those who are really very badly afflicted must feel & think about this stuff...



Pioneer Founding member

I had a go around with an ill-informed LA Times reporter the other day about stem cells and the horrific crime being committed against sick people in this country due to the FDA and Pharma. SHe was insulting to me and claimed I was ignorant on the subject. I sent her a link to this forum and within an hour 80 people were viewing our forum. I am hoping this forum might have given them a clue that the world doesn't want to wait for the corrupt FDA.