About Vitamin C & Stem Cells


New member
I've started following the use of vitamin when rreading up on anti-oxidants, and ever since, I've grown more fascinated. First, I hear it's healthy feeding for stem cells, in general.

Second, I came across an article I've lost, but am hoping again to find, of it, and two other compounds, combining to promote stem cell growth, and hope it rings a bell. I was wondering if this insight of combining compounds could lead to better IPSC chemical baths, for one; seems like there's a principle, here, but I don't know the term.

Me, I'm thinking vitamin C could have some very valuable anti-Cancer properties, given how anti-oxidants like hydrogen peroxide do in general, and its synergies with stem cells clinchit. Not only is it toxic to anaerobes, but it actually aids the stem cells to boot? Now that we know there's a growth factor like GDF-11 out trere, facilitating stem cells to keeps abnormal growths of all varieties throughout the body at bay, I say we attempt to use it, vitamin C, and whatever else complements to fight stuff like prostate enlargement, keep the combo in the place of question via a gell.

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