aborted 8/12 week old fetus used by Medra for fetal stem cells


New member
Had a call from Medra florida on thursday following my email enquiry , i explained my interpretation of how fetal stem were harvested ie from leftover IVF and asked for confirmation . The consultant was clear that that was not the case and that they use 8 to 12 week old aborted babies which they source from Georgia Russia , harvesting the cells from the brain heart and other organs . She elaborated further that the women received no financial consideration . Felt like i was in a science fiction movie . Eeeeeeish even if you were not a christian this would be contentious .


New member
Thk u Barbara . The only exhaustive treatment documented for Charcot Marie tooth that I could find was the treatment of Frank Potts from Holland by stemcells china , his treatment protocol took about a month and despite their advertisement and positive u tube movie made of his stay there , he was unsure if the improvements he experienced were from the physio or stem cells . (Following a telephonic chat with him )

Resultant from this i have been expecting an approx 1 month stay somewhere so have started contacting the clinics closest to africa .Two in israel , Seychelles and two in Germany( xcell )and also Stemcells china ( Somehow i got the wrong impression Medra was in Germany) . I figured i would start with due dilligence and find one of the 6 i was comfortable with . Subsequent to that i have read all the negative reports on Xcell and now Medra , suffice to say they they are the only two thus far who have responded to mail enquiries .

Seems i must cast my net wider , but not being able to find any positive reports by any CMT stem cell receipient its but guesswork at best .


Pioneer Founding member
I was wondering why you are expecting a one month stay if you get treatment? I know some of the China clinics like patients to spend this amount of time, but it doesn't necessarily mean that is what is needed when treating most conditions.


New member
Hi Barbara pls forgive the lateness of my reply we are holidaying in Cape Town for the school holidays and i only just checked my mail . I suppose i have inferred correctly/incorrectly that it was necc by following Frank Potts progress after treatment in China , this is a cut and paste from stemcells china website .

" Frank received 5 umbilical cord blood stem cell injections (2 intravenously, 3 through lumbar puncture). He also received physical therapy, occupational therapy, electric wave therapy, and acupuncture.

Condition After Treatment . After a month of treatment, Frank felt that he was beginning to feel improvements. "

Warm regards



Pioneer Founding member
It sounds like some extensive therapy. Is there anyway to find out if Frank continues to improve?


New member
I called him 3 or 4 months after the treatment in Holland he's a friendly guy , speaks well , he sounded unsure if he had got any result from the treatment , he felt perhaps the physio had been more effective . In the same vein he was considering a second round , i was unsure why , i deduced that perhaps he had simply enjoyed himself in china lol . but perhaps there was something lost in translation but i don't think so . lol .

Further If you listen to the u tube account by stemcells china its misleading , the words used are ambiguous they don't ever reportedly confirm that he had positive results .