a pre stem cell treatment diet and more!


New member
i am thinking that perhaps more emphasis should be put on a pre-stem cell diet, maybe the body
would benefit more from the stem cell treatments if a person was on a good healing diet. i read alot about diets after treatment, not to much about before treatment. i am
on such a diet now for the last ten weeks hoping to prepare myself more for a stem cell
treatment. my natural healing doctor had me detox the first week on fruit juices and vegetable juices,
which for that you would need a good juicer that pretty much does all. after the detox week i
graduated to more fruit juices, no more vegetable broth, museli, wheat germ, raw nuts, chlorella
wheat grass juice, berries, raw vegetables, mostly primary foods, uncooked, unsalted.i am allowed a few
boiled eggs and wild salmon, tomato paste, soy bean milk, keifir etc. green tea, no meat,cheeses, dairy, junk
food, etc.

she has me exercising also, mainly to increase the oxygen flow, breathing exercises, yoga, and
many for the stomach, chest area, get the pressure off the chest so it moves more freely,
get the stomach flat once again and the very light diet to decrease internal pressure from
the lungs, small meals instead of any large ones. only a fruit bowl allowed after 6.00 p.m.,
no protein, etc because my dr, claims that the body heals at night while we sleep. food is
thy medicine, according to her, no vitamins, minerals, etc. allowed except for a b-12 shot once
a week. any excercise to make one breath more is good, this includes the power lung.

being 6 foot tall, i went from 188-190 to 170-172, seems like my weight stabilized at about 172,
most came off my stomach area, very little weight have i lost from my limbs. the dr. says that
a person cant get fat on this diet.

the basic plan is for 6 months, then i will be able to handle more solid foods.
results so far that i have noticed from all this is that i am breathing better and feel better. i have much less excess mucous,
no more need for anti acids such as tagamet, tums, etc as my stomach is good now. i have more
energy also, more stamina. i no longer need any antihistamines like astelin, etc, if my nose
does need help, a netty cup is used. my skin is good now, has much more color, etc, havent had a cold, chest infection since starting all this, knock on wood!i dont cough anymore either.
i went for a pft last week and my numbers have had a slight improvement, fev1 went from
24-25 up to 26-27, other numbers up slightly also in the last 6. mos. the pulmo dr. said
that he hears no more wheezing in my lungs, i have always wheezed badly, they usually
shoot me up with prednisone in my past visits for the last 5 years, i have very severe copd,
emphesema. there are many other health improvements i am feeling due to this diet.

i still have sob, using less meds though. i take albuterol, atrovent and qvar. hopefully i will
find a stem cell treatment soon that i would be able to afford as i feel it could help me

perhaps diet would help the body accept the stem cells better , my doctor thinks so and i seem
to agree with her, one thing for sure, it doesnt hurt anything to get healthier, as most
major surgeries are more sucessful when the patient is healthier.

thanks for reading and good breathing, richard


Pioneer Founding member

I agree with your idea of a pre-stem cell plan

Had I known then what I know now I would have been involved in taking far more than a multi-vitamin, Vitamin C and a NAC before having stem cells.

Glad to hear you're having success with your plan.


Pioneer Founding member
Way to go Richard

Your diet exudes health to me. Also, losing the weight you did had to be good for you. I think you deserve a gold star for getting on this diet and sticking with it. I certainly applaud you and hope that things continue to do well for you. I call prednisone the drug of the devil. I know it can be the only thing that will help sometimes, but look at how well you did on this diet and avoided having to take it. I think this is great. Not everyone would have the willpower. Congratulations.